Chapter 5- Nox

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I didn't want Tenebrae to leave me. She was really good at comforting me. I didn't want to feel alone after what I saw. But I didn't want to be anywhere close to whoever that person was.
     The things I saw inside of that man's head were horrifying. I viewed a man ordering people to slaughter others. Ordering them to make orphans. The man was a king. A king of darkness. He wore a crown studded with jewels of every life he has ended.  He was wrapped in darkness and black fire sparked in his eyes. The worst part was that I felt a connection with him. Something about that king was familiar.
      Finally I collected my wits enough to walk over to Tenebrae and Disaris.
"Stop!" Disaris yelled at me. Tenebrae shot him a dirty look. "Don't come over here. You're a dark elf and cannot be trusted." He continued.
        Tenebrae shoved Disaris aside. "We went over this, Disaris. If you can't trust him, you don't trust me. I'm dark elf like him." I felt honored that she stood up for me.
     Disaris rolled his eyes. "You'd like to believe that you're one, but you barely have any power. You could never damage anyone like he can." He spat at her.
      I was disliking Disaris more and more. "How dare you speak to her that way?" I shouted. He just ignored me. I walked up to him. "How can you, a prince, talk to a lady like that? No wonder you didn't become king. You didn't have the maturity level for it, because no just king would say that or act in that way." My voice was placid and factual. But I was seething with anger on the inside.
     Disaris was angry now. "You are speaking to the crown prince of Cransatea and when you speak to me, you will speak to me with the respect that I deserve. You are nothing and I won't let you talk down to me." The arrogance in his tone was thick.
      I snickered. "You don't deserve respect."
I turned and walked away. That was ridiculous. What was even more ridiculous was when Disaris grabbed me from behind and punched me in the jaw.
      I winced. And promptly kneed him below the belt. He collapsed onto the ground.
I squatted down and whispered into his ear. "If you ever treat her like that again I will cause lasting damage." I threatened.
    I stood up and turned to Tenebrae. A tear fell from her eye and slid down her cheek. She rushed over to me and hugged me. I was shocked at first, so it took me a moment to hug her back.
    "Thank you," She whispered as she pulled away. I smiled.
Disaris got up to check on the man who had come after us only to find that he was gone.
     "This is your fault!" Disaris roared.
Tenebrae rolled her eyes. "This is your fault, because if you hadn't flipped out on Nox this wouldn't have happened."
    Disaris just ignored her. He was a jerk. I didn't know why Tenebrae liked him so much. Soon we were back on our way. I'm pretty sure all of us were on our guard. We didn't want to be caught by the elf again.
     Sometimes I thought I could feel his presence, but I assumed it was just Tenebrae. Eventually Tenebrae and Disaris began to talk in hushed tones. Of course they made up. Tenebrae was smitten. I could see it in her eyes. It made her look younger than she was.
      Finally we saw light in the distance. "Those would be my men guarding the entrance." Disaris stated. We began to run. All of us wanted to be rid of this dark tunnel. And that's when Tenebrae screamed.
     I couldn't see her. She was a shadow. As was the other elf. I closed my eyes and focused. I felt the mind of an elf and entered it. The amount of grief and rage shocked me. It was Tenebrae's mind. I exited it.
      And entered the other elf. Once again I saw that horrible king. His face was clearer now. I delved deeper into his mind until I could feel the pain I was causing him. I let go.
     Both Tenebrae and the elf were in front of the exit. He almost got her out. Who knows what would've happened after that. Disaris rushed to her and knelt down with her. The guards tied up the man. I just stood back. I was tempted to leave. I wasn't needed. I was ignored and not liked or trusted. Tenebrae did trust me, but I didn't know why.
      I just stood there for awhile, lost in thought. Then Tenebrae got up an walked over to me.
     "What did you do?" Her voice was soft, but scared.
"What I did earlier. I entered your mind." I told her. I was afraid that she would get angry. "I didn't mean to enter yours,but I couldn't tell who was who when you were both in shadow form." I assured her.
       Tenebrae frowned. "What did you see?"
I sighed. "I saw your shadows." I grimaced.

A few hours later we were in a cottage in the kingdom of Cransatea. Tenebrae and I sat alone on the sofas in the parlor. All you could hear were the crickets. We were completely silent.
     "Is it painful for you?" She blurted out. "Is it painful for you to enter someone else's mind the way it is for them?" She rephrased to clarify.
     I shook my head. "Not really. It's just scary. I see all of their worst memories and they have to relive them. I'm horrified and they are in deep emotional pain." I explained.
     Tenebrae nodded as she listened. "What did you see in my mind, specifically?" She asked.
      "I saw your parents die. I saw the rage you had, and still have towards the Sons of Alques. I saw your shadows." I told her truthfully.
     She sat back in her chair. "Those aren't my shadows. That's my darkness."
It took Tenebrae a moment to smile. "What about the other guy? What did you find in his mind?"
      I grimaced. "I found a king of darkness. He killed so many people and the crowds around him chanted his name, King Shayde." I bit my lip. "I don't know why that moment is the one that caused him the most pain, but I would like to know."
    "King Shayde is the king of The Sons of Alques. Maybe he regrets joining them." She surmised.
     I could sense her anger. She kept up a cool facade, but beneath it, she was boiling.
"How do you do it?" Tenebrae asked.
     I laughed. "I have no idea. It just happened the first time and the second time I just willed myself to do it. I don't know how I learned, though."
      "Maybe that's a good thing." Tenebrae said. "If you knew how you learned then you would know why. I don't want you to know why."
      She suspected me. She thought I was the enemy. But she didn't want me to be.
"Don't worry about it, Nox. You're a good guy and a powerful elf. And you're my friend so let's just sit here and enjoy this one calm night." Tenebrae's voice was so soothing.
     "Okay, Tena." I whispered as she leaned onto my chest.

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