chapter 1

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Chapter 1... the begining of the prophecy

       My names lostkit the reason why they call me that is because abousley im lost... well im lost i dont yet really understand because im a kit but my mom told me that the reason why im lost is, a long time ago the clans left but when they left they left behind some cats that couldn't make the jorney my mother dapplepelt, barkface, and smallear and later on came princess a kittypet 😝... and my mom had kits with a rouge but i dont know my father because he left ( i dont like talking about it and my mom doesn't either)....

   "  Wha- where am i!" There was a big medow with beautiful flowers that were all blue and relaxing, there was clear water flowing in the big open stream unlike my home my streams were cloged with twoleg rubish and whats left of are medow was gross- "hello" said this beautiful black she-cat "my names hollyleaf". I'm from thunderclan to give you a message from starclan". I backed away in horror at the she-cat with stars in her pelt she was talking about the clan cats... she is one!!! "Dont be afraid" she said in a calming voice but as i looked closer i saw urgency in her green gaze. "W-what i-is it". I said in a shakey voice. "A evil shadow is growing deep within the clans only a lost warrior can bring the shadows to an end". As she said this the beautiful flowers turned black with a misty shadow and the black she cat disappeared within the shadows. "Lostkit" "lostkit!!" I woke with a startling jult ... "your brother is missing have you seen him!" I was still raped up in my dream but i came back to reality i noticed my mother standing over me with  frightened stuning  blue eyes ( just like mine) "well" she repeated with an anoyed shakey voice. "N-no" i stampered. "I-i was sleeping". "I-im sorry" i said feeling gulty i should have known my brother would run off whenever he got the chance he's quite odd. "Its ok sweetheart you don't have to watch your brother all the time". She said in a gental calm voice - "its just so off because bluekit and skykit are also missing". She said with a shamed stubborn exertion but her gaze was troubled and worried. "Ok ill have princess watch you while were all out looking for you brothers and sister". She said with a sideways look at me i grunted "princess? Really? " "yes and you behave for her she's nice to you and i expect you to be nice back. I gave an inwored sigh "ok fine" i huffed out at last "ok sorry ill play with you later" "i promise" as she left outside the thorn protected den princess came into it i tried to look pleased and happy but to be honest it was hard to look at her like that "its ok" she said with a huff "i know you dont like me that much but your mother said to watch you-and maybe we can be friends" she said in a hopefull sigh. "Maybe" i said with a guilty look at her. "Its really ok dont feel bad-let's go for a walk" she said with a glance at me she left the den and i followed directly behind her "where are we going" i said "i dunno yet- how about you pick". "REALLY!!!" I skipped with excitement "i want to go to the old thunderpath  were the old thunderclan territory used to be!" I said with a purr of excitement. "Um... if you want i guess". With a troubled look towards the place were i was talking about then her gaze rested on me "i dont know if its safe scourge and bloodclan- well lets not worry about that... lets have fun".  I was worried i never seen princess look so worked up but i tried to ignore it.

Losthearts Jerney Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon