chapter 4

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Chapter 4... "lost"

      He has my first name "lost" I mummered my mom named me after my "father" I spat with hatred he was never there for me never! "Im sorry... that i was never there for you" I swayed and jay came over and licked my muzzle. "Aren't you happy your father is here". He mummered softly to me... "I'm sorry what's your name's". He looked down at his paws guilty. "My name's blazekit" he huffed bravely... "Mine's  bluekit" she mummered "mine's skykit" he said his meow tight with emotion... I didn't want to speak I didn't even want to look at his face... but I drew up my face to meet his "My name is lostkit" I spat it like it was rotten prey on my tongue. He looked pleased with himself "lostkit" he reapeated with love in his solmn meow. I looked away with guilt maybe i should be more nice to him after all he's all i have right now... "did your mother ever talk about me or.... said she... still have feelings for me." My pelt grew hot with embarrassment. "Um... i... n-no she never talked about you..." said skykit at last breaking the silence through  the crisp morning air. "Oh its ok i guess" he said with sorrow in his meow "i always cared about her you know... i always loved her very much." Said lostheart his meow catching in his throat. "Then where were you? Why didn't you stay". My meow was strangley bold and cool. "I- i had to my clan was moving away". He glanced over his shoulder at scarface and jay "i offered her to come but she said she had to stay and wait for what was it called again... oh yeah starclan to take her." He said in sorrow "it looks like they came". He meowed regret and love was running deep within his amber gaze. "It was an accident, im really sorry i didn't mean-" said scarface with sorrow and guilt "i know you didn't mean to scarface she was just protecting what she loved the most". Jay said with guilt also deep in his gentle meow.

Losthearts Jerney Where stories live. Discover now