chapter 3

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Chapter 3...the secret

        I woke up with pain throbbing in my neck and flank were am i i looked around in panick why does my neck and flank hurt then i remembered the battle "she's awake". A familiar face appeared in front of me that handsome tom he looked delighted to see me?
"Who are you? Why am i here? Wheres princess?" I said with ugency in my frightened voice. "My names jay... your here because your hurt...and princess is right outside the den ill call her in". The tom said with a soothing meow i looked at him confused "why are you being so nice to me when you hurt- WHERES MY MOM AND BLUEKIT,SKYKIT,AND BLAZEKIT!!!". I said totally forgetting about my frightened mother and siblings."im sorry about your loss but your mom... she's dead... and your brother and sister they....they are also... t-they died as well. scareface killed her... im really sorry". I swayed on my feet helplessly sadness overwhelmed my emotions jay pressed his shoulder against my flank supporting me up. "NO WHY ,WHY, YOU KILLER!!!". I hissed with anger, hatred  overwellmed my sadness.  He backed away in surprise... i flung a paw at his handsome gray face i snagged him on the nose he hissed in shock and princess flew into the bracken woven den blazekit that i realized he surrvived ran in right after her... princess prest her flank against mine for support and my brother pressed against me as well weeping meows sounded from them my vision fogged up with sadness i heard mummers but couldn't make them out... after a while i fell asleep dreaming of my mothers sweet face but my dream twisted around and blood withered around my paws and shadows fogged up everything in my vision and i heard the same familiar words from the same voice- hollyleaf? I looked around but didn't see the black she-cat but her sent withered around me "only a lost heart can end the choking shadows from the clans". I jerked awake with my paws flailing in the air once i came back to reality i noticed that i was back in my den maybe it was just all a dream i thought with a wave of sadness i noticed blazekit staring at me with sad eyes  bluekit and skykit were right next to blazekit there eyes full of emotion "no" i whispered  jay was next to me licking my ear with soothing laps... princess and old smallear were on my other side I pushed myself to my paws and walked out into the clearing my mother was laying there peacefully two strange tons were crouched next to her I realized  the one was the tom that killed her and the other one was oddly familiar I raged after the one scared white tom cat "get out of here you killer!!!" I hissed i flew at him my claws sank into his flank and my teeth latched to his throat and blood welled up into my snout  i felt claws sink into my flank heaving me back away from the scared tom it was jay "get off let me teach this fox heart a lesson or two!" I said with a hiss "Calm down lostkit listen to me" said jay i relaxed a little and swiveled my ears forward.... "scarface is very sorry about your loss but you have to calm down... I calmed down and a wave of sadness fell over me and I swayed and dropped to my stomach I felt blood running down my neck and flank... my wounds reopened and i felt soft paws mending cobwebs into my wounds. I looked up it was princess... I looked over at scarface and the familiar black and white tom... "who's that tom he looks familiar". Princess exchanged  a look with smallear "should we tell her smallear?" Smallear have her a small curt nod "I'll get the other kits as well" .... As we all gathered around princess and smallear princess called out to the strange tom. As he arrived princess announced "this tom is name is lostheart.... he's your father" my head spun in thoughts. .

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