50) Beach Please

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"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate."
-Oprah Winfrey


Alyssa and Justin walked further into the island, towards Levi.

He was walking slowly, admiring the beach on his right and plants on his left. He felt a tap on his shoulder and he turned around, removing his headphones.

"Hiya." Alyssa wiggled her eyebrows.

Levi looked at Justin standing behind her. "Again?" He raised an eyebrow at her and she shrugged.

"Hi, I'm Justin. Friend of Alyssa's." He extended his hand.

"Levi." He shook his hand. I've been through this, he thought and mentally rolled his eyes.

"So your father is the partner of Mr Lauder?" Justin tried to make conversation.

Levi gave him a hard look. "My dad is not any sort of partner with John."

Alyssa cleared her throat. "He means that this island is not of his father, it's his." Alyssa emphasised and sent him an underlying message.

"Uh, yeah. This is mine." Levi said fast.

"Ah, so all these people? What's the occasion?" Justin asked.

Alyssa looked up at Levi. Even she wondered what memory of his was this.

"Graduation party."

Alyssa gave an amused expression. "Bringing everyone on an island simply because you graduated?"


Justin laughed. "That's awesome, dude. Alyssa and I are here to enjoy the summer as well. Junior year starts next month."

Levi fake laughed.

"Um, Justin?" Alyssa interrupted. "Why don't you get our stuff inside?"

"Uh, yeah.. sure. See you around, Levi." He kissed Alyssa on the cheek and went off.

"Okay." Levi sweetly smiled.

"You went on a vacation with him alone at the age of 20? Where were your parents?" Levi frowned.

"One, you're not my guardian. Two, my parents knew about this, my dad owns the yacht and the part of this island-"

"Wrong. This island is actually mine. I wasn't just playing along with you."

"My father owns this island in Jamaica."

Levi laughed lightly. "That house," he pointed at the white bungalow, "is mine. I've been inside, definitely mine."

"In Jamaica?"


Alyssa nodded in understanding.
"Well, Crystal told me we were going to our Jamaican islands."

Levi started walking back towards the house and Alyssa alongside him.

"Crystal talked to you?"

"She was with me on the yacht before Justin came."

"Yeah, that's another thing. This is what, his third appearance? Man, you're whipped."

"I'm not." She rolled her eyes. "As I said before, he's just a fling. Nothing serious."

"He doesn't even seem relationship material."

"Is that concern for me?" Alyssa fake gasped.

Levi gave her a blank stare. "You need to get over yourself."

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