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The exo waiting room is always noisy.

Fighting over who's the noisiest person.

"A new girl group, eh?" Junmyeon,  who was getting his makeup done,  talked to the stylist.

"Yes, Backpink." Junmyeon smiled, realizing it was the same group with Kim Jisoo, someone he had been quietly crushing on for quite a long time now.

"Nice." Was all he said before he got up from the chair and went to see what the boys were doing, obviously fighting over who's the loudest.

He noticed Chanyeol in the corner of the room, on a chair deep in his thoughts. Junmyeon went over to him and sat down on the ground, as there was no seat near him. He managed to catch a glimpse of their stylist huffing at him.

"Chanyeol?" Junmyeon shook Chanyeol's shoulder which startled him, his eyes wide as he digested what was happening.

"Huh? Oh, hi hyung." Chanyeol scratched his neck, awkwardness outlining his every detail.

"What are you thinking about?" Junmyeon asked, raising a brow.

"Hyung, can I ask a question?"

"Go ahead."

"What's a goddess?"

This caught Junmyeon off guard but nevertheless, he replied.

"A woman who's really admired,  especially for her beauty, why?"

Chanyeol leaned back in his chair, blowing the hair from his face away with a blow of his lips.

"This answer has been engraved in my mind since I was a child, with my mother pushing me to find "the one" but why can't-"

Junmyeon was confused.

"What do you mean Chanyeol?"

"Why do I look at a woman and the word 'goddess' doesn't pop up in my mind? Like why can't it click?" Junmyeon smiled.

"Because you're still searching for your goddess." Chanyeol looked down at Junmyeon, furrowing his eyebrows

"I'm sure you'll find her soon." Junmyeon got up and patted Chanyeol's shoulder.

"I need some air," Chanyeol claimed and ran outside the waiting room.

He roamed around the inkigayo hall.

Many eyes were glued on to him while he looked down at his hands, which were holding a necklace with the word "goddess" clearly written in it.

How idiotic could one be to carry around a necklace with this whole concept lingering on it? His mother had nagged

"When will I ever give th him all his life for this.is to someone?" He sighed.

"Watch ou-" Chanyeol heard a loud bang and he quickly snapped out of his thoughts.

He bumped into a girl.

He heard the girl groan

As the girl looked up, her eyes meeting his, it felt like the time stopped for Chanyeol.

The only thing in his mind was the word, goddess.

Nothing more, nothing less.

She was beautiful.

Her long wavy orange hair, black sparkling eyes, soft skin.

A pure image was what she had.

He noticed how the girl didn't make such a big deal out of the incident.

He looked at her lips curling into something.

"I'm sorr-"

"Goddess..." Chanyeol cut her off with the only word he had in his mind.

GODDESS//CHANROSEWhere stories live. Discover now