Chapter 3

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"Goddess...." Chanyeol cut her off with the only word he had in mind.

The girl paused and stood there frozen.

She was confused,should she blush?

When she finally got used to the light as she was trapped in darkness because of the crowd surrounding them,which was taken out by the bodyguards.

She looked at the boy clearly,her eyes widened at the sight of an idol.

"SUNBAE I AM SO SORR-" Chanyeol shook his head while both his mouth and eyes were still wide open because of the ethereal beauty in front of him.

"I-its okay" Chanyeol finally got normal.

Chanyeol bowed at least hundred times as an apology.

Rosè chuckled.

Chanyeol could already feel his heart becoming a beating drum.

"I'm the one who was walking in a really weird position so please-"

Rosè bowed and laughed again.

"Please, I should be the one apologizing" She flashed a bright smile at him.

Chanyeol put his hand on his heart, in case she hears his drum playing all sorts beats.

Chanyeol snapped out of his thoughts and looked at the necklace in his hand.

"Oh an can keep this,please?" Chanyeol slowly handed Rosè the necklace.

Rosè looked at it and smiled widely but that smile didn't last for long.


"Chanyeol-shii will do"

Rosè smiled.

"Park chaeyoung better known as Rosè"

Chanyeol even found her name beautiful.

"Chanyeol-shii I can't accept this,it looks expensive and besides won't it be weird for a month old rookie to take this from a senior?" Rosè asked and bowed while her hands extended to give the necklace back.

"I won't take it back,and if the senior-junior relationship bothers you,it's okay. We're all humans" Chanyeol smiled.

Rosè blushed,for what though?

She's not in love right? Right?


"YAH PARK CHAEYOUNG! YOU WANNA GET A BEATING FROM THE MAKNAE?!" Rosè sighed hearing their beloved maknae's voice.

Both chanyeol and Rosè looked behind.

Lisa stopped just where she was.

She looked at Rosè then back at chanyeol then Rosè.

"I fucked up didn't I?" She mouthed to Rosè.

Rosè gave a simple nod and started walking towards Lisa.

She turned around one last time.

"Thank you, Chanyeol-shii" She winked and put the necklace on.

Chanyeol totally lost control of his body.

He gulped at least a billion times.

A single wink made him this weak.

"Goddesses do exist" Chanyeol whispered to himself.

He walked back to the exo waiting room,feeling more than happy.

"Rosè,did I fall for you?" He repeated the same question in his head.

He entered the waiting room and walked over to Junmyeon.

"Hyung,I'm gonna ask you the same question,from before. Answer with the same description"

Junmyeon was confused but just nodded.

"Hyung,what's a goddess?"

"A woman who's really admired especially for her beauty,why?"

"I think I found mine"

GODDESS//CHANROSEWhere stories live. Discover now