Blue Eyed Boy.

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Dreams of a pretty boy with

Differing hair colors and bright blue eyes

Plagued me.

The sea was visible in those eyes,

Which captivated my nights,

And made me believe.

A laugh like sugar,

A voice like silk, sent shivers down my spine,

And filled my happiness to the hilt.

Days which were hard, but this beauty to turn to,

Made everything seem alright and

Tasks able to do.

With a mesmerizing specimen,

Created with good intentions and magnificent skill,

Shined light into my life,

And made me feel like queen of the hill.

Pretty boy with blue eyes, I hope your life

Has been well and good,

And the journey you continue to travel,

Is easy and understood.

You deserve the world, the stars, and more.

But for now, continue to happily greet,

Your open doors.

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