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They watched as the cars pulled up.
One by one, their excited faces came into view.
Their hands started to sweat.
The notecards all stood perfectly up on trays.
As the last person walked in, a smile appeared on their face.

"Let the games begin."


Blonde pigtails flung back as Kim Namjoon's hand came in contact with them. Being the first one in the house was a blessing to him. If he had to see everyone stare at him at once in this outfit, he would've died. Not knowing what do, he stood there waiting for others.

The door knob was turned and the door flung open as Im Jaebum confidently marched into the room. His hat perfectly on his head, his holster perfectly holding a water gun. He stared eye to eye with Namjoon and smiled.

"Hey princess Joon, where's your boat?"

Before Namjoon could talk back the door was quickly opened and closed with a pale faced Choi Seungcheol. He looked at the two and felt a little under dressed. His costume didn't give him much to do but he felt he could've done more. The three awkwardly stood there not saying a word to each other.

"Please tell me that's fake blood."

The three snapped their heads to look over at the door. There stood Jeon Somi, her green hat perfectly sat on her head as her pigtails sat perfectly on her shoulders. She stared at the three as they stared back at her.

"Oh Namjoon! You were invited too!"

The strings on the hat went perfectly around his face as his hands gripped on his fake horse. Kim Seokjin, stood there in the doorway smiling at the "blonde".

"If I were into girls, I'd date you." The cowboy said with a smile.

"I'd date you."

Right behind Seokjin was another blonde, Minatozaki Sana to be exact. Her hair half down and the other half in space buns. A small smile on her face and a pink wand in her hand, made her the ultimate space dream girl.


Sana hurried to move out of the doorway as none other than Jung Hoseok came running into the room. His wide smile never leaving his face as five, red petals surrounded his face. His all green outfit really added onto the whole flower costume. He stared at everyone with nothing but happiness and smiles and a small knock was heard.

"Hello? Is anyone home?"

A male voice was heard from the other side of the door.

"Just open the door you idiot! It's cold!"

The others waited for the door to open. When it did, standing there was another happy guy and smaller boy who looked seven.

"Would you like to buy some cookies?"

Holding up a small bag, Lee Seokmin smiled at all of them. His yellow and white socks hit just below his knees and the small bow on top of his head really gave you the Girl Scout feeling.

"No they don't! Will you walk in now."

Pushing Seokmin inside the house was the smaller boy, Lee Jihoon. It was hard to think of him as being scary with flowers and antlers on top of his head.

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