Chapter 1 Planet Howltie

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A teal blue sun rose high in the white sky, grey and black forests and golden deserts covered most of the land as green lakes and blue oceans covered very little of the planet. In a richly black forest rose black cobble and stone walls that surrounded an old, cluttered city. Buildings and houses as old as the towering walls sat and laid tightly next to each other, brick roads were being torn to dust by carts, carriages, and the feet of playing kids. House wives and husbands chatted with stall vendors, grandmas handled their grandchildren like experts while grandpas told old stories of the first Domnaes. Kids ran around playing with hand made toys and wooden weapons and teenagers tested out their new powers and strengths as they fought with friends. A few teens ran into an alley were a large group of teens formed a circle around one person. He laid in the middle of the circle in a small pool of his black blood. As he tried to get up a muscular kid walked up to him and smacked him in the face making him fall back down to the ground. The others laughed as he tried to stand again, the muscular kid grabbed him by the jaw and dragged him to his face. "Ha! Look at the kid! Still tryin' to fight, you ain't nothin' but a bag of bones. What do you think you're gonna do?! Huh?"
The boy smiled and dug his fingers into the muscular boy's wrists till they bled, he then spit blood on the boy's face,he let go of him to wipe his eyes. The muscular boy stared angrily at him as he spoke through gritted teeth, "Who the hell do you think you are?! You got some nerve!"
The boy stood slouched and took a step back to regain his balance before he spoke, his red eyes stared tiredly yet coldly back, "The names Shadow, and I think I'm someone who you don't want ta mess with!" "Oh really now?! Well Shadow... I hate to break it to ya but you're ass is about to get beat!"
The boy lunged at Shadow and threw him to the ground. He put his hand tightly on his neck and Shadow did the same, the boy laughed like a mad man as he tighten his grip. Shadow squirmed in panic as he was losing his breath, he dug his fingers in the boy's neck making black blood pour onto his hands. The circle of teens that surrounded the two began to disappear and run away, but the two boys didn't notice and continued to kill each other. A hand grabbed the muscular boy's neck and ripped him off of Shadow, flinging him to the ground. A black cloaked woman stood by Shadow's feet, she stared at the boy who stared back in fear. She took a step closer to the boy and he sprang to his feet and took off, she then turned around and looked at Shadow, her face was covered by a hood but her pale lower jaw was visible. A pale hand and arm reached out and grabbed Shadow's shirt collar, the arm was covered in tribal designed lines that appeared to be tattoos, on the hand the lines stopped near her knuckles where the name Galxaea was written, the lines then continued onto her fingers, the tips of her fingers were very flat and calloused. She lifted Shadow to her face and softly spoke, her voice was gruff yet old from age, "What's your name?" "S...Shadow..." "What's your whole name boy?" "Shadow DeSaiful... DeLonte Fanaliea...m... mam..." "And what are you doing in this alley, Shadow?" "I... I was going home but... but a group of guys started to chase me and... trapped me in this alley... mam..."
She pulled Shadow to his feet and looked him up and down, his white tank top was ripped as well as his black pants, his body was covered in rips that beld,arms and neck covered in blackened blood spots, his red eyes stared tiredly, his short black hair was in a wild mess. The woman sighed and Shadow awkwardly smiled, black blood stained his teeth and oozed onto his neck, she placed her hands on his shoulders as they glowed a soft orange, his wounds and the pain he felt began to disappear right before his eyes. He placed his hands on his chest and stared at her in amazement, "I've never heard of a Domnae having healing powers!"
The woman giggled, she placed a finger to her lips as she spoke, "Well this old Domnae has a few tricks up her sleeves. Now we should get you home, I'll walk with you. Knowing how boys like that one is he'll probably try to fight you again." "Thank you mam. Uh... what's your name?" "Oh don't worry about that now! There's no need to learn about me." "But-" "Let's just worry about getting you home boy."
Shadow tried to ask her again but she grabbed his wrist and partly dragged him out into the street. "Now," she said as she placed her hands on his shoulders and followed behind him, "where do you live?" "I live pretty far from here actually."
Shadow kept shifting his head left and right trying to follow her head as she dogged people on the busy road, "I live in the older part of town." "That's so far! What are you doing near the center of town then?" "I do odd jobs for vendors who can't leave their stall and on the weekends I deliver mail." "Whats a teenager doing working?! Thats meant for when you're older!" "Well my mom can't make enough money on her own so I have to help out." "Don't you have a father?!" "No mam. Mom won't talk to me about him. I don't mind working though, I enjoy it actually." "Oh you poor boy..."
The cloaked woman tightened her grip on Shadow's shoulders, the brick streets changed to a more older grey cobble stone, the buildings became more houses that were crumbling and in shambles. Some houses had yards, mostly full of dirt unable to even sustain a single blade of grass, others had all sorts of fruit and vegetable gardens clearly meant for the owners and even hungry kids. The woman watched as many kids with worn, dirty clothes ran around and even joyfully played, completely care free of their dire situations.

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