Chaper 3 Frost Wars to Forever Wars

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Maye's cabin wasn't what shadow expected at all. He looked around the gold painted metal walls holding up a pointed ceiling covered in a large painting of the stars and constellations of Howlite with the creator's name, Staller D. Fanelia, written in silver in a far corner. The floor was covered in a large, old, rose red rug with vines of gold curling around their red grass freely. In the middle of the room was a black oak desk elegantly designed with curving legs holding it up. It was covered with scrolls of probably sea maps and littered with all sorts of papers, inkwells, red and green feathered quilts, Even glass spheres holding odd colored crystals suspended in the air. Behind it was a black throne made of the same black oak, its design was almost the same but waving like ocean waves on a shore. Its cushions were blood red yet plush, very comfortable looking. On the left wall there was a thickly cushioned bed covered in many different animal skin blankets with red and silver pillows scattered neatly across them. The opposite wall held a silver counter holding tubes, beakers, even an elaborate line of glass tubing leading to different beakers and bowls, all hold a large range of colored liquids, some even glowed brightly an odd aura of a completely opposite color. Two bookshelves stood at the two side walls, one held even more scrolls and glasses full of what seems to be just the most random things that make no sense for a sailor to have, old small species of now exist rabbits, snakes, spiders, even flowers and deadly mushrooms. The other held books, some untouched and covered in dust while others their organized colored spines were visible. Maye walked over to the desk and sat down on the throne, she looked as if she shrunk back into a little girl from the sheer size of the cushions alone. Clearly the throne was meant for someone much taller and broader. She crossed her legs on the armrest, looking up at the ceiling before back at him and holds her arm out in an open gesture, "Come 'ere, lad. You'll wear your feet out standin' through this history tale. I don't bite lik' I do out t'ere, 'ave a'seat."

Shadow walked to the bed and sat on the edge of it, quickly yet slowly sinking into the hardly used mattress. He put his hands in his lap as he bowed his head down at her before looking up to she her shake her head, "There's no need for gratitude or any polite gestures. You're on a ship with a new family. There's no need to act like a stranger. Now... how much has Matil kept from you? Do you understand the Gold Rights?"

He nodded, "Mother has told me about the laws and the newly created ones."

"But not the war?... what is that woman thinking?..." She looked up at the starry ceiling again as she talked to herself.

He looked down at his hands, "Your ceiling... it was painted by an artist...right?..."

She looked at him slowly, growing confused, "Aye. Why?..."

"In my house, we have family paintings done by the same person. He also painted one of the rooms. Was he a sailor?"

Maye looked at the corner of the wall holding the artist's name, she nods slowly, "I've seen Staller before on Breach. Him an the captain before me were very close. But that's beside the point now, so Matil really nev' talked about the Frost Wars?" He shook his head and she sighed, standing up she walked to the bookshelf hold the odd assortment of collections. Not looking back at him as she talked, "It was the first war we've ever had amongst ourselves... A war between what's now called Ancient Domnae and Domnae... Two of the same species yet both having different traits and adaptations..."

Shadow cocked his head, "There's two of the same species?"

"Aye, three actually. Ancient Domnaes are the oldest- 'ave ya ever heard of a god? Someone who can live forever and never die from any wound caused? That's what they're like, the only person who can kill them is themselves. They live as long as they wish but nothing can kill them, they're wise, old, and forever living. They used to be called Domnaes... that is, until an evolution happened and the Domnaes of today came around. Those ones are like you, very young to this harsh world but strong, although you only live for a limited time and can be fatally wounded... There's always pros and cons to a side so either way being one or the other is neither good nor bad. I find having Domnaes like you around is a lot better to the world."

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