Surprise Visitor

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     We've been in LA for a couple of days now , and today is the day that Tiana is meeting with her agent . I was surprised when she asked me to go along , and I'm pretty sure that Bri was , too .

     "Are you sure about that , Tiana ?" , I ask her .

     "I actually think it would be best , that way if she has any questions or anything , one of us won't have to call you , or wait for you to get there if we need you ." , she replies .

     So the three of us get into her truck , along with the portfolio I'm carrying , and get ready to leave . Just as she starts the truck , Scott runs over to the window and says , "If I'm not here when you get back , I shouldn't be gone too long , I have to go make a pickup ." 

     "Picking up what ?" , Brian asks him .

     "Oh , I have a surprise , and since I knew we wouldn't be home , I arranged for it to come here instead ." , he says , with a big grin .

     "What is it ? At least give me a hint !" , Brian pouts .

     Scott laughs and says , "I'll actually give you two hints , hon . It's not just for you , and it's something we talked about not long ago . That's all you get for now ."

     "Sorry to break this up , but we're gonna be late if we don't jet ." , Tiana says .

     We pull out of the driveway , and start driving toward downtown . Brian appears to be deep in thought , and says , "I hate when he does that ! Now I'm not gonna be able to concentrate on anything else until we get back . And who else would it be for , anyway ?" 

     "You never had any patience with that sort of thing . I remember when we were kids , your folks always had to hide your birthday and Christmas gifts at someone else's house to keep you from finding them ." , I remind him .

     We basically jab at each other like this until Tiana parks the truck , then we all get out and walk into the building . We get into the elevator and go up to Phoebe's office , and the receptionist let's her know we're here . We go in , and I see a short , plump , black woman , possibly in her forties , with short orange hair and piercings in her eyebrow and the center of her nose . She gets up and gives Tiana a big hug , saying , "Hey , there ! Lookin' good , girlie ! Now why don't you introduce me to your fine friends , and we can get this party started ."

     Tiana laughs , and introduces me and Brian . Phoebe looks at me , and says , "So you're our artist fella , huh ? Well , if you can draw as good as you look , honey , we're in business !"

     Tiana giggles , and says , "I forgot to warn you  , Phoebe's as much of a flirt as you are , Ash ." She then turns to Phoebe , and says , "Does Gary ever get bothered by that ?" 

     "Oh , hell no , honey ! He knows it's just talk ! But the way I see it , just because I'm on a diet , don't mean I can't look at the menu !"

     Brian and I are both cracking up by now . "You know , I think I like you , Phoebe . You can still have fun , even when you're working ." , I tell her .

     "Well , how 'bout we see what you've brought us , hon , then we'll see how much you like me . I'll tell you right now , I'm gonna say exactly what I think ." 

     "Fair enough ." , I say , and open up the portfolio . I take out two boards , and lay them out on the desk . As soon as I do , I hear sort of a squeak from Tiana . We all look at her , and her eyes are huge , she looks totally shocked . 

     "What's wrong ? I'm pretty sure I can fix whatever it is ." , I tell her .

     "That 's them . That's the way they look in my head . How the hell did you do that ?" 

     "So everything's OK , then ?" , I ask .

     "No, not OK . Everything is phenomenal ! This is exactly what I wanted !" , she answers .

     "That's not really my doing , you did such a good job describing them that I could see them , too . It was pretty easy to do , really ." , I tell her .

     "Well , then , baby girl , I think we have a cover !" , Phoebe says  . Then she turns back to me , and says , "Are you sure we haven't met before ? You look awfully damn familiar !" 

     "You can blame that on Marilee ." , Tiana tells her , "I found that out when she showed me her room the last time you had me over for dinner ."

     "Oh , yeah , now I see it !" , Phoebe says , "Sorry about that , hon . Your pictures on my baby's wall have a lot more makeup involved . Wait a sec ..... , that gives me an idea , if you'd be interested . You're gonna have a credit in the front of the book , of course , since you did the artwork . But is there any chance you might write a little something , too , sort of an foreword , I guess you'd say ?" 

    "Absolutely , not a problem . Just let me know when you need it ." , I answer .

     We spend a little more time going over details , and I sign an autograph for her daughter , who she calls  " fourteen goin' on twenty - five " . Then we finally leave and head back out to the parking lot . 

     Before we get into the truck , Tiana looks at me and says , "I'm sorry Phoebe put you on the spot like that . You don't have to do that if you don't want to , I'll call her later and fix it ." 

     "I told you , I genuinely enjoyed reading it , why would I have a problem telling people that ? It's no trouble at all ." 

     "OK , if you're sure . Thanks , Ash . And thanks for doing such an incredible job on the picture . I was afraid I wasn't going to find anything half as good ."

     We get into the truck , and head back to Jinxx and Alice's house , where Scott and Brian are staying , and now Brian is bugging himself about Scott's "surprise" again . 

     "What do you think it is , guys ?" , he asks .

     "Well, if you can hang onto your shorts for a few more minutes , we'll be back at the house and you can ask him ." , Tiana responds .

     "Can't , I'm not wearing any ." he fires back .

     "Geez , thanks so much for sharing , dude !" , I yell , and Tiana starts laughing .

     I'm actually enjoying this , to be honest . This is the most relaxed she's been around me since she got here . Maybe I'm actually making a little progress .

     We finally get back to the house , and Brian goes barrelling inside as soon as he can get out of the truck , yelling for Scott . He steps out of the bedroom , and Brian says , "OK , what's my surprise ?" 

     "Honestly , hon , you're such a little kid ! I told you , it's not just for you , it's for T , too . And she's gonna be keeping it at CC's with her 'til we go back home ." , he laughs .

     "I am ? What did you do ?" , she asks him .

     "Well , you left your phone out when you took a shower the other day , and I sort of intercepted one of your phone calls . It made me think of something Brian and I talked about last week , so I sort of kept it to myself ." 

     As he finishes speaking , a voice behind me says , "Are you gonna keep dragging this out , or can I come out now ?" 

     Tiana and Bri both let out nearly identical squeals , and zip past me to basically tackle the tiny dark - haired woman standing in the kitchen doorway .

     "Hells ,yeah ! Shawty's in the house !" , Brian practically bellows .

     Definitely a fitting nickname , considering both her last name , and the fact that she's only 5 feet tall .

     "Yeah , I guess you can actually get away with calling me that again , since my divorce became final last month ." , she giggles .

     She turns and looks at me , with incredibly cold eyes . 

     "Hey , there , Kelli ! It's been awhile ." , I say .

     "Not long enough to suit me , Purdy . Not by a long shot !"

What Is Left Unsaid : An Ashley Purdy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now