Joining The Club

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       "Ashley Purdy , what are you up to ?" , I ask , as he quickly hangs up his phone when I walk into the room .

       "You'll find out in a couple of days ." , he replies , grinning smugly at me . "If I tell you now , it'll spoil the surprise ."

       When he says that , I figure out that he's got something planned for Valentine's Day , which is day after tomorrow , so I don't ask any more questions . Mostly because I don't want him to start poking around trying to find out what I have for him .

       He puts his phone down on the table , walks over , and wraps his arms around me . "Do you have any idea how great it feels to be able to say that without being screamed at , or getting shit thrown at me ?", he asks me .

      " Excuse the hell out of me ?"

      "My last girlfriend would've automatically assumed I was talking to another woman , and start accusing me of screwing around on her ." , he says . "We ended up with a lot of broken shit back then ."

       "Do you mean the one that you actually caught fucking around on you ?" , I retort . "Sounds to me like one of those people who think that just because they act like an asshole everyone else will , too . I know that I can trust you , so I'm not worried about it ."

       "Damn , it feels good not to have to deal with drama !" , he sighs into my neck .

       "I just wish everybody could say that right now ." , I reply , and he nods in agreement .

       I'm referring to CC right now , the poor guy has had a pretty sucky New Year so far . Everybody was pretty shocked when he and Tiff split up just after Christmas , nobody expected it . Apparently , from what Ash said that he told them , they'd been having problems for awhile , but tried to work through them . Unfortunately , it didn't work out , and they decided to end the relationship .

       I talked to Tiff a bit later , and from what she told me , the problems on her end were the fact that she was beginning to get a bit tired of all the negativity from the "fans" who kept bombarding her with hate on social media , along with his being away so much , and she just felt like she couldn't cope anymore . I can see how that stuff can wear on somebody , but I can't wrap my head around the idea of letting that sort of thing come between me and Ash .

       He almost seems to be reading my mind , because he looks at me and says , "Promise me that we won't let that happen to us ."

       "It won't , babe . After everything else we've worked through , I think tour schedules and crazy fangirls should be a cakewalk !"

       His phone rings , so he walks back over and picks it up . He answers the call , mouths "CC" to me , and apparently listens to him for a couple of minutes .

       Then he says , "I'm gonna put you on speaker , so T can hear this , too . She has to okay the idea , too ."

       He turns on the speaker , and CC says , "Totally understandable , dude ! I know this is ridiculously inconvenient , and I hate the idea that I might be screwing up your plans , but I don't know what else to do ."

       "What's going on , C ?" , I ask . "Is everything okay ?"

       "I met this girl last week , when Alice and Jinxx talked me into going to some theater thing with them ." , he answers . "She was one of the actresses in the play , and she's completely fucking stunning . She just stopped me in my tracks , and I really want to get to know her better . When I was talking to her , she mentioned that she was going to be in Vegas this week , and I kind of told her I was , too . I suggested that we get together , and she said okay , and told me when she was free . It's on Valentine's Day , and I don't want her to think I'm being pushy or creepy or something , so I was kind of hoping that you guys might come along , make it sort of a double date ."

What Is Left Unsaid : An Ashley Purdy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now