Maybe I Was Wrong

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        "You're nuts , you know that , right ?" , I hear through my phone . "What the hell gave you the idiotic idea that you'd get away with that ? You're lucky she stopped with just tossing you across the room !"

        "So you think that this is a good idea , Kel ? Do you not remember what happened the last time ?" , I ask .

        "Oh , yeah , I remember . But it's not my life , or my decision . Honestly , do you remember how well it went over when people tried to talk me out of marrying Jack ?"

        "Yeah , I know , but nobody knew all the shit about him then , or at least they didn't share if they did ." , I sigh . "Honestly , if it wasn't for Scott threatening to move out , I really would call Bonnie and tell her everything ." 

        "And if you did that , you'd be totally on your own ." , is her response .

        "Huh ??"

         "Brian Ross Purdy , you made a promise , just like I did , just like Kyle did . If you'd break your word just to punish somebody for not letting you have your way , then you're not somebody I'd want to continue being friends with . Plus you'd lose Scott , Tiana would for sure never speak to you again , and Rick would most likely have to choose between you , or his girlfriend and kid . Not to mention that would be completely disrespecting Kyle's memory ."

          WOW ! That stings . Especially the last one . Kyle was my first love , and for the longest time after he died , I didn't think I'd ever meet someone I could care that much about again . Then I met Scott when he applied for his security job , and now I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have him .

         "Well , it's not an issue anyway . Like I said , Scott would dump my ass if I did , so I'll be good .  But I tell you , if he fucks up this time , EVERYBODY will hear about that !" , I say .

         "C'mon , Bri , you sound paranoid ! Seriously , she sent me a picture of the engagement ring he bought her . Nobody spends that much money , or puts in that much effort to get it right , if they're not serious ." , she informs me .

         "Well , I couldn't tell you , I haven't seen it ." , I say sadly . "Neither of them said a word to me . I had to hear it from Scott when he came home after they invited him , Shan , and Rick over to tell them ."

          "I'm sorry , hon , but you did sort of bring it on yourself ." , Kelli states . "If you want to have anything to do with this at all , you're gonna have to stop being so stubborn . Otherwise , our whole plan goes straight down the toilet ." 

          The "plan" she's referring to is one we came up with in high school , that we'd all be a part of each others weddings . T and I were both in the wedding party when Kelli married Jack the Jerk , even though neither of us particularly liked him , and I had planned for them to be in my wedding , even though I never thought it would be "official" back then . And now there's a pretty serious likelihood that I won't be doing that this time .

          Even though I don't think this is a good idea , it still kind of hurts to be left out of my best friends life . We've always been able to count on each other , and now she won't even acknowledge that I exist .

           "Damn , Kel , why can't she see that I'm just trying to look out for her ?" , I groan in frustration . "I fucking hate this !"

           "Maybe so , but you're the only one who can do anything about it ." , she says . "You're either gonna have to suck it up like you guys did with Jack , or you're gonna be totally out in the cold . So you have to decide which it's gonna be ."

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