Wedding Dresses And Tattoos

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        "How many bridal shops are in this town , anyway ?" , I mutter , as we leave our fourth shop of the morning .

         "Well , if you count the shops that just sell 'formalwear' , and not wedding stuff specifically , probably at least forty ." , Shannon responds .

         "Not going to forty shops , and you can't make me !"

         "I have to agree with that ." , Mom says . "If we try to do too much in one day , we'll just frustrate ourselves . Let's try out a couple more , then take a break for lunch ."

         "Honestly , if I have one more snooty salesclerk try to tell me that I don't know what I like , I'm going back to the Elvis plan ." , I inform them . "I categorically refuse to wear some poofy thing that finishes entering the room five minutes after I do . I remember when Kelli and I were in our friend Angie's wedding . The dress took up so much room that when we were doing the pictures , every other sentence was 'Don't step on the dress' ."

         We get back into the car and drive to the next shop on the list , even though I'm almost ready to give up by how . So far , every shop we've been to , I try to give them an idea of what I want , and they keep trying to put me in ridiculously expensive things that are nothing like what I want , but will give them a bigger commission .

        As we pull up in front of the next shop , Shan is checking it out on social media . "Maybe we should skip this one ." , she says . "According to this , they've only been open for three weeks . That doesn't sound like they'd really know what they're doing ."

        "And if everyone takes that attitude , they never will ." , Mom replies . "Everybody was new at some point , so why not give them a chance ?"

        "Yeah , they can't be any worse than what we've already had to deal with ." , I add .

        So we get out of the car and walk into the shop , and I immediately notice that they have some very unique dresses on the mannequins , not just the standard fairy princess / prom dress crap that all of the others are pushing .

         "Good morning , ladies !" , a tall blonde woman says as she comes out from behind the counter . "What can I do for you today ?"

         "We're trying to find dresses for both of my girls , both of them recently got engaged ." , Mom tells her .

         "That's what we're here for ! Did you have any idea of what you might be looking for ?" 

          "No , not really ." , Shan tells her . "Something not too puffy , but still sort of traditional , if that makes any sense ."

          "Mostly not to look like I'm the wedding cake ." , I say .

           "Why don't we sit down , so I can ask you both a few questions , to sort of pin down your individual styles ?" , the clerk suggests , so we all go to the seating area , and she starts asking us about things like favorite colors , hobbies , etc .

           When I tell her that I'm a fantasy writer , she smiles and says , "If that's the case , I definitely have something that may suit you , dear . Vivian , please take our guest to room three and help her try on the changeable dress with the lace - up bodice ."

          Another woman motions for me to follow her , and asks for my size as we head toward the dressing room . I tell her , and she excuses herself , returning a couple of minutes later with a dress that , at first glance , appears to be white , but seems to shift in the light , showing just the slightest hints of pale blue , pink , and seafoam green . She helps me into it , and the second I look in the mirror , I tell her , "I'll take it ! This one is mine !"

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