Without Him

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~ Third Person Narrative ~

She thought she didn't have any regrets.

She thought that after everything was done, she, then a part of the stars, would look back on the world she left,

and be satisfied.

I saved the world, she repeated.

I will look back on my work with pride; I will see a beautiful land void of strife and disaster. I will see time flowing, and humanity and Pokémon kind flourishing.

She thought that when she disappeared, her vanishing eyes could see all that.

But instead, they saw nothing.

Rather, not nothing, but darkness.

It pained her beating heart when she awoke again- not in her world, but in the one of the broken future.


~ Serena's POV ~

The golden lights are gone.

They had served as warmth then, but now that they are nonexistent, no comfort can be brought to me.

His voice is gone.

It had served as warmth then, but now that it is nonexistent, no comfort can be brought to me.

I am alone.

Coldness courses through my veins, filling my chest and mind and spirit alike with an intense sorrow and depression. The sinking feeling in my stomach matches my thoughts.

And... I'm back in the future.

I can tell my eyes are wide, my mouth open in shock. The freezing hard ground beneath my collapsed legs is unforgiving, and spreads out forever beyond my sight, brutal and barren. The dark sky swirls with a menacing purple light.

I begin to panic. What if, after all that was done, this isn't the future... but really the present, that Ash and Pikachu came from?

Then, I notice there's one change- and that is time's resumption.

Probably because Darkrai's influence over it had disappeared with him, I think, slightly relieved. This isn't the present. We really did save that world.

But as far as I can see, nothing else got better.

And Ash is nowhere in sight.

Shouldn't I have vanished? Why am I back here? And for that matter, why didn't the future world disappear? If we defeated all Darkrai, Shadow Primia, and Wolvarak, shouldn't this place not exist anymore?

Questions keep circulating in my mind, yet I'm getting no answers.

Seeing a jagged piece of rock lying a couple feet away, my unsteady hand reaches over and grabs it.

There's no one here.

Ash isn't with me.

I'm all alone, defenseless, stuck in this dimension with only myself to ask why.

I feel moisture gathering in the corners of my eyes. Taking a deep breath, my body stops shaking as I raise the shard.

There's no place for me here.

Just as the rock begins its path towards my stomach, a voice shouts, "Serena!"

I freeze, and drop the rock.

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