Chapter 10.

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I was 9 years old. Sitting in class excluded from everyone else. I didn't want to cry in front of everyone but I couldn't help it. They were so mean.

"What are you doing Erin! It's bad enough your stupid and a BOY! Your nothing but a liar! You have no friends!" They all yelled at me, threw things, pulled my hair and laughed.

"Leave me alone!! I just want to be alone! Don't touch me! And I am not a boy! I am a girl!" I yelled back at them while crying.

I couldn't take it anymore, just as I was about to run out again the teacher called my name and told me my uncle was here to get me for early release.

I grabbed my bag and ran to the front of the office, where a man with black short hair, grey eyes, tan skin and a suit stood smiling at me.

"Erin! There you are! Come here I've missed you so much!" He said while hugging me.

"Let's go. I came to get you so we could hang out for today. I've already told your mom alright." He continued.

I was so upset that I didn't even ask him anything or call my mom to ask her. I just left with him.

He picked me up and walked us out the door to his car where he put me in the passenger seat and put my backpack in the backseat, then get got into the driver seat and drove off.

"Umm have I ever met you before? I really don't remember you." I said shyly.

He laughed lightly. "I'm your uncle Clayton. We've only met a couple of times when you were a baby and when you were around 1,2 and 3. I work and move a lot so I couldn't come see you as much as I wanted to." He explained.

I looked at him with my eyebrow raised. "Well if your my real uncle where are we going?" I asked him.

He laughed. "To Dairy Queen and then Starbucks, but don't worry I won't tell your mom were getting you a frappe'." He replied to me.

"Well maybe you are my uncle! Only a few people know I drink coffee." I said to him excitedly.

We went to get ice cream and coffee like he said he would take me. After we got into the car I expected him to take me home but when we were on a dirt road into some trees I got scared.

"Where are we going? I thought you'd take me home." I said weakly.

"No your coming to stay with me." He pulled over, unbuckled my seat belt, put me on his lap and started to kiss my cheek and then my neck. "My princess I've watched over you for so long and now your finally mine. I'm never letting you go. Your MINE!" He said.

I screamed as loud as I could. I don't know how but he started to yell himself, like I was hurting him. I took that time, jumped out of the car and ran as fast as I could. I was grabbed my three mean who tied me up. I screamed even louder and they dropped me then grabbed their heads in pain. Clayton then came and put something over my mouth.

"Get out! I want to be alone! Don't come bothering me unless your called for!" A familiar voice yelled.

"Yes sir. We understand." And unfamiliar voice said back.

I opened my eyes to realize I was tied up to a bed with a blue dress on that looked to big for me and something covering my mouth to tight. I tried to scream but I couldn't. As soon as I tried screaming Clayton walked over to me and smacked me so hard.

"You belong to me. You will not scream or yell. You are mine. You don't have your mommy and you will do as I say or I will punish you. Understood." He yelled in my face.

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