Chaptet 26.

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Erin's P.O.V

"This is Awesome!" I yelled dropping my bags into the floor by the door of our hotel.

Alex booked us a room at a luxurious hotel named 'Hotel Cipriani'. It's so beautiful, all of the colors match perfectly with one another.

"I take it your okay with staying here?" Alex asked leaning against the wall by the door.

"Okay with it!? I would've been fine with something smaller! We could fit an orphanage in here Alex! And this is only the living room! I could have my freaking family reunion here and still have enough room 100 more people!" I yelled, swinging my arms dramatically.

Everything here was black, creme' and white and it was very specious. How in gods name did he afford this! This is ridiculous! Like does he stay at places like this all the time!

"You no we can go somewhere better if you don't like it..." He said walking over to me and wrapping his arms around me.

"Alex... Don't make me hit you for making outrageous statements! This place is beautiful, I mean look at this view." I said in awe, as he walked to the bedroom.

"So what do you wish to do?" He asked from the room.

"I'm kinda tired. I think I'll take me a bath and then go to bed so you can work." I said yawning and walking into the bedroom.

"You didn't get enough sleep on the plane?" He asked smirking and unpacking our bags.

I threw a pillow at his head and blushing deeply thinking about what happened on the plane.

"Shut up... I'm just tired." I said lowly, sitting on the HUGE bed.

He starts laughing while he walks over to me and picks me up, with his arms around me.

"You don't have to be embarrassed babygirl." He said, kissing my lips softly.

"I'm not!" I said defensively.

"Sure. Whatever you say." He said laughing.

"Put me down!" I say, trying to wiggle free from his strong hold.

"Not a chance. in fact I've always wondered something." He said dropping me on the bed and hovering over me.

His eyes are so beautiful and a lighter shade of green with gold in them. He looks the same yet different. When I first saw him after he saved me I was like who the hell is that?! That can't be my Alex! But it was him indeed. Taller, more built, a little tanner, darker hair and light eyes. I mean seriously I think the moongoddess wants me to have a heart attack. How can he get anymore sexier! How is that even possible!

"I know I look good but you don't have to stare babygirl." He said, snapping me out of my gaze.

"Shut up!" I said blushing and hitting his arm. "I wasn't starring! I was merely observing!" I yelled, turning my face away from him.

"Sure you were." He said kissing my cheek and walking to the bathroom, taking off his shirt.

"Wh-what are you doing?" I ask, watching him basically strip in front of me.

"I'm taking a shower." He said, walking into the bathroom.

I get up, walk into the bathroom and start the bath, adding bubble bath and bath salt to the hot water.

"I was here first! Get out!" I yell, pouting to the door.

"Really?" He asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Fine, but I'm taking a bath." I said, taking off my shirt.

"Fine by me babygirl." He says walking into the shower, under the water.

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