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Its a bit crappy because I wrote this in school hahaha. Please comment ~
"Call me when you get there. Call me when you miss me or when I tell you to. Even when you feel that I want to talk to you" The endless reminder or the midget in the airport that cant help the taller but to chuckle

He pat Baekhyun's head and nod "Its not like I'll be gone for too long Baekhyun"

"Yeah right. But you'll be in a far place with someone you used t--" Chanyeol quickly capture the midget's lips not wanting to hear anything about his past

"I have to go now. Take care okay?"

Baekhyun just stare and before letting go of Chanyeol's hand

The taller gave him a last smile before it collects his luggage and turn his back ready to walk towards the entrance

Baekhyun just watch Chanyeol walk like a runaway model but as Chanyeol go farther from him, he felt that there's still something he needs to do before his husband finally go

"Chanyeol!" He called stopping the taller from walking

It turns his back and face him

"I love you"

Chanyeol felt funny over what his midget is acting. The sassy and vixen husband of him suddenly turns out to a affectionate and possessive one

"I know that. I love you too"

Its the last words they shared before Chanyeol finally took off and leave Baekhyun


Staring at the ceiling, rolling on the bed, walking back and fort and even counting the steps that he takes was all Baekhyun can do when he got back to their house without Chanyeol. And the worse is he still need to wait for six hours or more before Chanyeol ring him

He was now sitting beside the pool watching the red orange skies slowly turns into dark royal blue with the sun disappearing slowly welcoming the stars along with the crescent moon

He sigh thinking about how much his life change when he met Chanyeol. Before his life was just full of artworks he's talking with, his friends that he hang out when he's bored. And him traveling alone to seek some good landscape to paint or to draw

But he realize that since the day he said I do to Chanyeol. Everything that he used to do suddenly became less important, that his world only revolve around Chanyeol

He close his eyes for a while and take a deep breath

"Maybe the fate is just giving me time to focus on other things" he mumbles to his self as he fish his phone beside him to diall Kyungsoo's number


"Hello too, where are you?"

"Im on my way to Jongdae's house. Why?"

"Pick me up. I wanna come too"

"Woah its odd. Is your husband not home? Or dont tell me you two have quarrel again?"

"Cant I just spend time with you guys?" He said rolling his eyes

"Besides Im-- ugh just pick me up" he groans and drop the line knowing Kyungsoo will just force him to go there alone

After that, he get up and proceed on changing his clothes.

Without twenty minutes Kyungsoo arrived with his black maserati with a loud booming of music that can be hear up to Baekhyun's room

Once he hop in the car he receive a judging look from the doe eyed male who look at him from head to toe


"Tell me. Are you really planning going to Jongdae's house or you predict that we're having a night of our life tonight?"

He cheekily smile and trap his self with the seatbelt

"Jongdae told me" he cackle and check his eye liner that perfectly blend with his small eyes

Kyungsoo just smirk as he step on the gas to start driving again while Baekhyun reach to the radio to switch the song. He pressed multiple times before he finally find the song his ears was longing

"Where's Jongin?"

Kyungsoo glance at him "He's out of the country for three days his father wants him to participate in some business thing"

"Chanyeol was in Singapore for business too" he mention

"Then it means were free"


Both Kyungsoo and Baekhyun was stunned with the thing they're seeing. Kyungsoo blink few times and Baekhyun rub his eyes

"Yah!" Jongdae slap noth of their arms "why does it seems like you two dickheads saw an alien!" He whines

"Excuse me mister? But why Jongdae?" Kyungsoo ask raising his one eyebrow

"Yeah. Like he's good looking yes, but he whines a lot, have no sense sometimes and dont even know how to show affection" Baekhyun added

The other guy just chuckle gathering Jongdae's attention

"Yah! Youre my boyfriend you should defend me. You should tell how much I made you fall" 

"Shut up" the hamster looking guy said shutting the whiny male up

"What's your name again?" Baekhyun ask stepping closer to the guy and shoving Jongdae aside

"Yeah, whats the name of Jongdae's victim" Kyungsoo then walk to the other side of the guy

"Im Minseok. Kim Minseok" he stretch his hands and offer to both males which was gladly accepted by the two

"Again. Why Jongdae?"

"Yah!! Stop it! Lets just go" Jongdae snatch his boyfriend back from the two and lead it to his car leaving his friends who both smile by the view

"He finally found a pair"

"Yes he do. But I just wish he will make Jongdae less whiny" Baekhyun agreed and get back to Kyungsoo's car

Little did he know his phone was beeping with Chanyeol's email

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