[ Drawn to your voice ] Umi Sonoda x Shy Female Singer Reader

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I've always been timid and shy. Whenever I'm given the chance to do the things I love in front of a crowd, I would cower in fear or embarassed myself.

I would be standing on the stage with a mic on my hand. My throat felt so dry from how nervous I was and with my eyes darting around, I can only see intense gaze on me. I was scared.

Ever since that day, I didn't want to try again. I would just follow people and remain at the back. It felt like I've become an outcast everytime I go to school.

However, I never let go of my love for singing despite this because of her. I once saw a live show that one of my cousins would go to, they, of course, recorded them. Out of curiosity, I watched along with them and it filled me with hope and excitement at the way their music could lift my spirit.

I've especially started liking the voice of the girl with dark long hair. It was mesmerizing to see and hear her sing and dance.

I fell in love with her.

As class finished, I stood up and walked towards the secluded area of the campus. It was an area with not so many students around. It was amidst to what seems to be a forest and it's peaceful with the trees rustling, birds chirping as they flew by.

I walked to where my usual spot, where there's a log and a huge tree. Standing there, my lips parted as I sung.

As the wind sung along with the melody I've voiced, the birds chirped soothingly to my ears. It's like they've become an instrumental to my songs and it warmed my heart.

Then suddenly, I heard the sound of applause. My eyes immediately shot up, looking towards where the source of the sound is. And I saw Umi, standing there with a soft smile on her lips.

“U-umm..!" I stammered while blushing red, looking around nervously, unable to look at the girl in the eyes.

Umi stood there before speaking, “Your voice is pretty” she praised while staring. “And I'm sorry for interfering your time, but I really couldn't help coming over here again to hear it”

My eyes widened when I heard her last sentences.

‘Did she...was she...’ I couldn't help but feel more embarrassed that the person I've admired has been listening to me singing.

“I-I'm sorry...” I bowed my head while blushing red.

“Eh..why are you....”

“B-because you had to listen to my voice while you're out here—”

Of course, I never really had that much of a confidence, to begin with. I always stutter and my voice would tremble everytime I talk to someone

“I...It must've been weird..m-my voice”

Umi remained quiet before sighing as she stepped closer to where I stood. “Aren't you being too hard on yourself?” she asked while smiling.

“I told you, didn't I?” She added and close her eyes, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Your voice is what draws me here everyday, which is very soothing to the ear.”

“I'd love to hear more of your voice, (Name)”

I was probably dreaming, to dream that Umi Sonoda, the girl I've fallen for had been drawn to my voice.

I completely fainted before I knew it.

Requested by Lily955

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