Part 7

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                                                    "One day, risking, you may remain happy for the rest of your life

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       "One day, risking, you may remain happy for the rest of your life."

And... sent!

I was crossing my fingers in the hope that it would all be alright. Anyhow, let's face it: how many chances could I have possibly had? For sure there were hundreds, if not thousands of applicants for that. Still, having in view Laura insisted and that I had nothing to lose, I said it was worth a try. Just for fun.

The phone rang, it was Laura. She was calling me just to make sure I had sent everything, I could bet. She was more determined than I was with everything concerning my future, which made me feel, for a second, a bit weird.

- Yes, honey! Yes, I know what you're going to ask me now and my answer is that I have sent Lou and her team everything they were requesting in that post, I told her as soon as I picked up the phone. Now we keep our fingers crossed and let's see what happens. I don't want to focus too much on this and I don't want to be pessimistic, know...

- What? What do you mean by "pessimistic"? This word has nothing to do in all these. I am sure, somehow, you're going to make it. Come on, I have seen some of your works and, even if I am not too familiarized with this, I think you've got talent. Important is to participate and see how it all goes on. Plus, I want us both to keep up a good vibe and hope, no matter what might be from now on. I am not saying to be some sort of hopeless dreamers, but, at least, to be optimistic, OK? Laura told me, and I felt her good vibe from a distance.

I thanked her for being the way she was, but I liked to be realistic - I swore to myself I would be like that, at least for some time. Even if it was nice to dream, life hasn't been too nice with me sometimes and even if dreaming had helped me up to a certain point, I tended to keep myself away as much as possible from that choice, at least for quite a while.

I knew there were many people who had experience and who did this job for longer time, better than me, who might live closer to Lou than I lived, so it might have been easier to choose from any of them... I knew I could do a pretty good job, but I still felt the experience was something that I needed to work upon. I knew the makeup book that I had, the photos and everything which I had worked on were professionally made, but even so I decided to not put too much hope into it.

...Still, I was asking myself if Lou would manage to see me and my work. I didn't want to say it would be too good to be true, but in fact this was how I was feeling, so I said to myself that this would be taken just like a game, that I did all those just for fun and I would continue my life as it had been until then. I would be with my everyday life as I had been, nothing more. I refused to dream.


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