
12 5 4

I walk down this
The last one I will ever walk.
Death grows closer.
I try to walk slower.
They move me along.
I don't deserve to
I am
But society doesn't care.
No one believes a
Guilty soul.
I reach the door.
I enter the room.
An audience watches. A large audience.
Are that many people that eager to see my
But I am innocent. Aren't I?
I sit in the last chair I will ever sit in.
Regardless of my innocence, perhaps I should die to appease their hatred for me.

❤️A note from the mind of Horror❤️- This does not reflect my feelings on execution, btw. This is just a poem reflecting what I think someone on the death row might think. As for my feelings on execution, they are very mixed, so I'd rather not get into those politics.

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