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"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things that go wrong so that you appreciate when they're right, you believe lies so that you'll eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."
--Marilyn Monroe

IT WASN'T LONG UNTIL ONE of the house elves appeared in her room, causing a loud crack to sound throughout the silence. The elf gave a short bow before speaking. "The Malfoy family will be gathering for dinner shortly, and Mrs. Malfoy request your presence at the dinner table in a few minutes."

The Rose girl smiled at the elf and nodded. "Thank you for alerting me. You may be dismissed."

Another crack was heard and the girl was all alone again, gazing out the window as her owl appeared smaller and smaller the further away it flew. She sighed, not wanting to go to dinner tonight. She didn't want to face Lucius, who was a very hard man to be friendly with. Still, he was more passive aggressive than Draco was. For a moment, she considered not showing up for dinner, making an excuse that she felt tired. But, that would be very rude and so she decided against it.

She took her wand, and with a soft flick, her clothes were dryer and more straightened out than before they were ruined by the rain. Realizing she still wore the hat and gloves, the girl took them off and placed it into her trunk. Originally, she didn't want to dress so formally for the Malfoys, but remembered that if her mother were there, she would want (Y/N) to look presentable.

After taking a final glance into her reflection of the mirror, the girl decided to start walking towards the dining hall of the manor. After all, she was hungry since she hasn't ate ever since she got home.

The manor was dark, the only light coming from the windows as the crescent moon shined in. It was quiet, all the elves probably in the kitchen preparing dinner or cleaning. The only sound was coming from the light tapping of her shoes against the wood floor. Her thoughts wandered, thinking how it was an awfully big house for only three people to live in. (Y/N) wondered if Draco ever got lonely from being so distant from the other parts of the house. She certainly would've, even if her family was a lot warmer than the Malfoys.

(Y/N) approached a set of large doors, which were open. Inside the room was a dining table, food atop. Mrs. Malfoy was already there, lighting candles with her wand. The woman spotted (Y/N), and smiled warmly.

"Oh, darling! Come, sit here." Mrs. Malfoy pulled out a chair near the end of the table, gesturing her to sit.

The girl returned the smile, and walked over. "Thank you, Mrs. Malfoy."

"Call me Narcissa, and it's my pleasure. I want you to feel welcome, okay?"

(Y/N) nodded, while looking around. Draco and Mr. Malfoy weren't present for dinner yet. The food on the table was not fully distributed, as there were still some plates and such missing in front of her.

For a moment, she wanted to ask Narcissa if she knew where her parents were. Often, they left for business purposes, but (Y/N) never knew what kind of business. It was always a secretive matter, and whenever she asked, they would quickly change the subject. But at this moment, she just wanted them to be home. There were many things she could be doing right now at home, but here at Malfoy Manor she just had the option to read.

She smiled to herself at the thought of being at home, with her best friends. Usually they would be horseback riding right now or swimming in the lake behind Theodore Nott's home. Sometimes, they would get a very large canvas, and paint something magnificent.

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