Guidelines For Suggestions

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1. Suggest any ship you'd like! I will do my best!

2. Let me know what kind of writing you want it to be (i.e. angst, fluff, smut, etc).

3. You are totally allowed to suggest prompts as well, whether you have them for a specific ship or not!

4. I will totally do platonic stuff if you want me to.

5. I will also write ships of the actors and actresses from the MUSICAL (sorry, I know them better than the movie), so if you'd like to suggest that, too, go for it! (I may or may not ship Barrett and Jess. Oops.)


Okay, that's about it! Leave your suggestions in the comments and I will write them! I will update this book pretty much daily (though that is not a promise!), and if there are no suggestions on any given day, I'll probably just write my own. Keeping in mind that I will likely not be doing daily updates once school starts up again in a few months, but for now, you all pretty much have my full attention! 

Thanks for reading!


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