McNamara x Veronica

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Heather McNamara x Veronica Sawyer

Veronica is talking to McNamara about the death of Heather Chandler (in a world in which it was a genuine suicide).




Veronica POV:

I'm watching movies in my living room with a bag of Jiffy Pop. Martha was busy tonight (something with one of her cousins having a wedding reception), so I'm sitting alone. I'm getting up to get a soda when I hear the light knock on my front door. Confused, I head towards the front door. I pull the door open, and I see something I never expected to see: Heather McNamara stands on my porch, tears in her eyes. 

"Hey, Heather," I say gently. "Are... Are you okay?"

"I'm f-fine," she replies meekly. "I was home alone, and..."

"Come on in," I tell her. "I'm watching movies. I'm currently on the Princess Bride, but I've seen it a hundred times, so if you want to watch something else-"

"Whatever you're watching is fine," she says, and I step away from the door so that she can come inside. 

"Heather, are you sure you're okay?" I ask.

That seems to spark something in her, and she starts crying harder, practically falling into my arms. It's unexpected, but I wrap my arms around the smaller girl, letting her cry into my shoulder. I awkwardly reach up a hand to stroke her hair. 

"Hey, it's okay," I say to her in a hushed tone. "What happened?"

"H-Heather," comes the choked reply. "The suicide. I c-can't stop thinking about it."

I feel my heart break for her. Nobody saw the suicide coming. Heather Chandler seemed to have everything, but the suicide note said otherwise. She was suffering silently, and nobody had a clue. I gently lead Heather to the couch, and I reach my hand over to grab the remote, turning off the T.V. She sinks into my side, tears still running down her cheeks. 

"I'm... I'm really sorry about Heather," I say.

"I should've been there to stop her," she answers. "I never knew, but... but I should have. I should have talked to her more and comforted her more when she told me about Kurt and Ram and... I should've helped her, Ronnie." This causes her to cry harder again, and she buries her face into my shoulder.

"You couldn't have known," I reply. "Nobody knew. That note... I mean, she never shared any of it with anyone. She kept up an image, even with her friends."

"I-I know how she felt," Heather tells me. "I've... I've tried before, too."

I'm shocked by what she's just said. Heather McNamara, the little ray of sunshine, had attempted suicide? When? And how? 

"Last night," she continues, "I tried to take pills. It was getting so bad, and I just missed Heather, and I wanted to go to sleep and never wake up, so I took the sedatives out of the medicine cabinet, but I couldn't get the stupid child-proof cap off of the bottle, so I found a razor, and... and I..." She's crying again, and I gently reach down to her sleeves, pulling one of them back a bit. There is a bandage wrapped around her tiny arm, and I let out a little gasp.

"Why?" is all I can think of to say.

"I can't do this anymore, Veronica," she replies, shaking her head. "I just can't. Heather has been so mean ever since Heather died. I know it's just because she's upset. She gets mean when she gets upset. I think her eating disorder is getting worse, and I want to help, but I don't know how. I wish I knew how, Veronica." 

Her bottom lip is quivering, and tears are still on her cheeks. I reach a hand up and brush the tears away. She's so vulnerable like this. I wish I could do more to help her. She's just so fragile.

"She's a perfectly good reason to stay alive. If she's getting worse, then you can help her," I encourage. "She'll listen to you. I know you think that she won't, but you're her best friend, Heather."

"I don't know," Heather replies sadly. "I just... I just don't want her to end up like Heather. I don't want to lose her."

"And now you understand why I'm begging you to stay alive," I tell her. "I can't lose you, too. Not after what happened with Heather."

"You... you care about me that much? You would miss me?" she questions, looking up at me with sad blue eyes. 

"Of course I would miss you," I answer, looking at her with shock. I wrap my arms around her again. "God, of course I would miss you." When I pull away again, I know I have a sad look on my face. How could she not think I would miss her? "Heather, you... you're important to me."

A small smile appears on her face, and she wipes some of her tears away. "You're important to me, too."

I don't expect what happens next. She leans forward, and then her lips are pressed against mine. I pull away instinctively, and her eyes widen as she looks at me with a look of fear in her eyes. "I'm sorry," she says quickly. "I shouldn't have-"

I cut her off by pressing my lips to hers. My hand reaches up to run fingers through her soft blonde hair, and she cups my cheek gently with her tiny hand. She's beautiful. She's incredible. This is amazing. When I pull away again, I feel my cheeks go hot, and I can see the blush appearing in her cheeks, too.

"Thank you," she says quietly. "For talking with me."

"O-Of course," I manage, praying that the blush in my cheeks will fade away quickly. I can't lose her. I hope she knows that now. I hope she knows how important she is. To Heather Duke. To me. 

She's so important to me.



Wow, I haven't updated anything in a while! Sorry about that. I've been busy. I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Comment what you'd like to read next, and I'll get right on it!

Thanks for reading!


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