Chandler x Duke

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Heather Chandler x Heather Duke

Guys are flirting with Heather Chandler and Heather Duke at the beach while they're on vacation. Heather Duke gets jealous. And protective.


For MacaroniTheSmolBean.


Chandler POV:

"I'm thirsty," I comment, and Heather looks over at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, do you want to get something to drink?" she asks. "There is a tiki bar over there, y'know."

"Oh, thank God. I love Florida," I say. "Let's go then."

We get up from our beach chairs, and I tie my wrap around my waist, wanting to tan as much as possible while I'm here. Heather McNamara couldn't come with us on this little spring break vacation, and I want to make her as jealous as possible. I love the girl, but she canceled on us last minute. I'm still bitter about it.

As we approach the tiki bar, I can see that there are some college frat guys already there, and they've definitely been drinking. Heather and I head over to the opposite side of the bar, wanting to avoid them. I don't need any bullshit from college guys today. The girl behind the bar (who can't be more than 23 or 24 years old) walks over to us, keeping an eye on the college guys for a moment before looking at us.

"They've been here since ten o'clock this morning," she says. "They're drunk out of their fucking minds. I'd watch it around them."

"Noted," I reply, shifting my gaze over to them for a second before looking back at the girl.

"So, what can I get you two to drink?" she asks.

"I'll have a piña colada," I answer.

"Make that two," Heather adds.

"Are you two even old enough to be...?" the girl asks, but she seems to have second thoughts about telling us no. "Just a little. You'll hardly be able to taste the alcohol. Got it?"

I smile. "Got it."

"I was your age once," she replies. "I get it." With that, she goes about making our drinks. I watch as she adds a little splash of rum to each of our drinks, and I smile as she does so. She seems pretty cool to me. Once she's finished, she garnishes each glass with a pineapple wedge and hands the glasses to us. 

"Thanks," I say, sliding her a twenty. "Keep the change." She seems surprised by the large tip, but it's my dad's money anyway. I just think she deserves it after basically sneaking two high school girls alcoholic beverages. 

I'm sipping my drink when I feel someone tugging on my hair. I swat their hand away, turning quickly to glare at whoever thought it was a good idea to touch me in the first place. It's one of the frat guys, and he smells like tequila. Great. 

"Ooh, look how pretty this one is," the guy says. His frat guy friend walks up next to him, staring at Duke. 

"Look at her pretty friend," the friend replies, winking at Duke. Duke rolls her eyes, clearly unamused.

"What's your name, babe?" the guy asks me.

"Heather," I reply, giving him a fake smile. 

"And what about this one?" the friend asks, referencing Heather.

"Her name's Heather, too," I answer, and Heather gives a nod, her best fake smile plastered on her face.

"Two Heathers, huh?" the guy questions, smiling. "Well, I'm Zack, and this is Luke."

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