Day 1: Where do we start?

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Jack stared at Signe. "Where do we start?" He asked, starting to stand up, walking over to his computer. "Who is the closest to us?" She asked, looking over his shoulder as he browsed the internet. "This is going to be difficult. None of them remember who you are. You have to earn their trust." She whispered, rubbing his shoulder as he took a deep breath. "Let's do this." He said, grabbing his keys as he stood up. Signe nodded, grabbing onto Jack's hand as they left. On Jack's computer screen there was an article: Daniel Howell falling into another 2012 like depression? Find out more in this article.

Jack drove around looking for any sign of the streets he had been on once. Once he found them he drove around a little longer, gathering courage to go into the house that belonged to the two boys. Finally he stopped and parked out front, it was tarting to get dark now, the sun starting to set over the hill that outlined the end of town. "What do I say to them?" He asked, placing his head on the steering wheel. Signe sighed softly, "I'll talk to Phil if you'll talk to Dan. They remember me but not you okay? You can't push too far. Maybe ask about the dreams they've been having and go off of that." she stated, opening her door and walking out, stopping to wait for Jack. Once he finally got out of the car they both walked up to the door hand in hand. Jack knocked on the door, nerves taking over his every thought and emotion.

Phil was the once who answered the door. He looked physically tired and the normal spark he had in his eyes was gone. "Oh! Hey Signe." He said, giving her a small hug. "Who's this?" He asked, shaking Jacks hand, Jack resisting the urge to cry. "My names Sean. You can call me Jack though. I'm also a Youtuber." He stated. Phil nodded, gesturing for them to come inside the house. "Wait here, I'll go get Dan." He said, walking up the stairs to where they could only assume Dan's room was. "DAN. WE HAVE COMPANY!" He said, coming back down the stairs with an even worse looking dan following him down the stairs. "Hello." Dan whispered, barely able to keep himself up. "Jack. Signe." He said, overhearing the conversation from earlier, "Uhm. Is it okay if I talk to you in the other room Phil?" Signe said, Phil glancing over at Dan who had sat next to Jack. "Yeah. " He said, following her into the other room, leaving Dan and Jack alone. 

"Dan." Jack said, pausing. He was concerned about Dan and wished he remembered him so that Jack could help. "You're in love with Phil." He blurted out, Dan's eyes widening. "How did you know that?" He whispered, looking at Dan. "Dan. Those dreams you've been having actually happened." Dan stared at Jack, his eyes wide. "No they didn't." "Yes. They did. and you don't remember it or me because I died. You remember feeling a sense of loss or sadness? Do you remember from what you've been dreaming about how real it's felt? Dan. It is real. You have to believe me. Youtube is dying. And the only way we can save it and everyone involved in the game is to make you guys remember." Jack rambled, Dan staring at him as if he was crazy. "Jack. I think you've lost it..." He said, slowly trying to inch away. "Dan. You have to believe me. How else would I know about the dreams?" He asked, staring Dan in the eyes sincerely. "I don't know." He whispered. 

"Jack. I want to help. I really do but this is not real. My life was always like this and it always will be." Dan said, staring to tear up, a memory from the game popping up in his head as he tried to get away. Jack looked around, trying to remember anything that would possibly be popping up in Dan's head constantly. "Wait! Dan. I know how to get you to believe me." Jack said, Dan stopping halfway up the stairs. "What is it?" He asked, slightly scared of Jack by this point. "I remember something you said while we were in there. Please. If this doesn't ring a bell you can kick me out of the house. Just listen for one minute." Jack pleaded, Signe pulling Phil through the door at that exact moment. "I'll never leave you again phil. I promise." Jack said, Dan falling to his knees clutching his head. He was confused and angry and sad to the point where he was crying. How could Jack have known that one sentence if they had never met, if he was lying about all of this. Suddenly images flashed through Dan's mind, happy moments, sad moments, moments where he was stuck in a cage, Phil's birthday where they got to see each other for a short time. Everything flooded back at once and Dan fell to the floor, Phil screaming as he ran over to Dan. 

He picked Dan up and stared at him, tears in his eyes. Signe had helped Phil remember. They had gotten them two back. "Dan..." Phil sobbed, staring at his unconscious body. "You promised you'd never leave me again." He sobbed, Jack calling an ambulance, getting Phil sane enough to carry Dan to the ambulance, hopping in with him. Jack and Signe looked at each other sadly, yet triumphantly, They had gotten Dan and Phil to remember, but now Dan was on his way to the hospital. Jack hopped in the car, Signe following in suit, and they drove to the hospital to wait with Phil, talking to him about everything and why they had forgotten.

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