Strange Voices

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Was at a friend's house when I passed out on the couch. Woke up a bit later and realized it was time for me to go. Got up and noticed my buddy's light on in his room but the door was shut. Walked by the door and told him I was leaving because I had to work in the AM. He said "YUP, SEE YA!" Went to fridge to grab my drink. Walked back by his room and said "later dude". He said "YUP." Something didn't seem legit, didn't sound quite like him so I opened the door ... No one there ... No one in the house. Went outside and his truck was gone.

I freaked the fuck out. Called his cell and he had left to go to McDonald's 15 minutes prior.

I bolted outside and waited for him to get home. He told me the kid that used to live there years ago hung himself in the attic and ever since he lived there he has noticed strange things and voices.

This was confirmed by the neighbor. The kid's older brother! After that just about anyone who goes over there has a weird experience. My buddy has dealt with it for years. When it gets weird he yells out loud "LEAVE ME ALONE" and he says the weird vibes stop for a bit. But they always come back.

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