X : Madeleine

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The emotionless man burst into a fit of laughter. He clutched his stomach and wiped his eyes in pain. "Mon ami!  She's got some guts."

She had no idea what he meant with the 'guts' and the 'mon ami' part but she was fairly certain that the brown haired fella was referring to her.

The obnoxious one snickered as a smirk surfaced on his lips. "Well, it was an effort. At least I was acknowledged," he said, "you on the other hand my friend, needs more work."

The brown haired fella stopped laughing in an instant. "Quelle?"

She could no longer bear with a conversation she couldn't follow.  She delivered the desserts in haste. "Desserts, sir. Chocolate mousse and cream pie. Enjoy," she said, striding away.

She could feel the intense gaze of both men she left by the window, searing holes through her uniform. She shuddered but kept walking to the counter where Becky awaited for her.

"Well, that might as well ended up in disaster," she said, as soon as Madeleine was within earshot.

"It already did."

Becky offered nothing more than a thin smile and a shrug. She took a plain white rug and began wiping the blackish counter.

The lady baker picked up the dust pan and the broom left lying on the corner. She swept away the dust to help clear her head as she stole a sidelong glance to the men by the window. She caught them eagerly whispering to one another as if planning for a grand scheme that was about to come.

Something about the men felt odd to her. It might be the way they dress, the style of their hair, or those secret coded messages they kept exchanging. She didn't know. But, it felt like they were one of those pieces of this large city that just wouldn't fit.

Maybe that was why she was annoyed by both of them. Things that didn't make sense puts her mind in a twisted swirl of thoughts.

It's almost like they're new here--as if they don't belong.

She shrugged. She couldn't quite flush the feeling out of her system, yet she couldn't completely wrap her fingers around it either.

She decided to ignore it and focus on work.

The chime of the bells by the doorway alerted her to the presence of another customer.

A tanned lady wearing white blouse, pencil skirt, and an ankle high lab gown marched into the bakery. Her chin length clean cut black hair trembled with each clank of her black stilettos against the brittle cement floor.

Madeleine's eyebrows quirked upwards. "A doctor or forensics maybe?" She thought, "from the crime lab it seemed. What is she doing here?"

The lady's dark brown eyes scrutinized the room like a radar as her gaze landed on a seat by the window. She strutted towards the table occupied by the two men who came in earlier--her hips swayed behind her in sass. She pulled an empty seat away and asked, "May I?"

Almost instantly, the gray eyed one sprang up from his seat as the green eyed one jerked away from the woman. Caution arose on their eyes and terror was eminent on their faces.

Lost Will of the Dead [Book One] (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now