XIII : Quentin

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Quentin stood there, riveted on the wooden floor underneath his sneakers in shock. He was bewildered at what they discovered and of what the key truly held.

Old questions had gone to a close with the help of the letter. However, it also gave birth to new questions which he hoped would be answered at the right time.

At least now he confirmed that his grandfather was indeed murdered by people who were after his life from the beginning. But what could be this thing that he hid?

Were the people who wanted Marius and him dead also the same people who killed his grandfather?

But why would his grandfather want a third person with them? Could he mean Madeleine?

And what role would Alice play in all these?

Despite all of the information he garnered and questions that arose with them, he was willing to wait. His grandfather said that the right time would come for him to know everything.

He trusted his grandfather and would still trust him beyond the grave.

Instead of feeling betrayed like his grandfather said, he felt peace of mind. He already accepted the apology the moment Valentin began to explain the circumstances.

He was simply glad he had a piece left of his grandfather to keep--one that was neither scorched nor crisp black.

A tear of sadness and regret welled at the corner of his eye and rolled down his cheek.

A comforting hand held him by the shoulders. He glanced sidelong and came face to face with startling blue eyes. "Madeleine..." He trailed off.

"I won't say something so obvious as 'are you okay?'" She began, "I may not know everything and I may not know what happened but I do know grief." She gripped Quentin's shoulders and pulled him into a one arm hug. "This is the only thing I could offer."

The gray eyed man was astonished but couldn't pull away. He wanted to say something but was speechless.

He succumbed to the comfort their new lady friend offered as she let go and gave him one final pat in the back.

"Stay strong," she whispered on his ear.

There was coughing beside him as his green eyed friend spoke up, "You both done? Good, now nous devrions faire quelque chose à propos de cela." He gestured to the chest and its overflowing contents.

He was in no mood to reply to the statement. But there would always be a barrier between the wants and the needs. "Do you have ideas? I'm always open," he said.

His friend's eyebrows quirked up as a smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. "Hmph! Are you underestimating me?" He challenged. A cool and dominating vibe enveloped his stature as he bolted straight to the back wall.

His friend began rummaging through the sets of items beneath the veil of dull gray sheets. He flipped the sheets here and there as packs of dust were suspended midair.

What a barbarian...

After Marius' wild frenzy, he came trotting towards where Quentin and Madeleine stood. Lagging behind him was a huge black cello case strapped on his back.

Mouth agape, the gray eyed man honored his friend with a slow clap. A cello case might just be large enough for all of the chest's contents. He never thought a cello case could be found in the attic of a worn down orphanage.

"Bon travail," he said, patting the shoulders of his best friend who came to a halt beside him.

"I never thought of that. So crafty," Madeleine agreed with a wink. She took the cello case strapped on Marius' back and popped it open. She squatted down and said, "Now help me fill this."

Lost Will of the Dead [Book One] (On Hold)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang