XIV : Quentin

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Quentin panicked. His hands trembled as dizzying thoughts ran through his head and there was no stopping them.

A gunshot? Echoing? Was Marius shot? Is he the one who was shot? Is he alive?

"MARIUS!" He screamed again at the top of his lungs.

"I'm alive, geez," His friend said from beneath. "Don't underestimate me. This man is hard to kill."

He gripped the windowsill and leaned inside. He peered beneath and saw Marius gripping one of his G18--the nozzle still smoking from the bullet that was fired.

A breath of relief escaped his lips. Marius was the one who fired. But then, he remembered who Marius really was and what he was capable of doing. Sympathy left and was replaced by logic. He's an asset and I need him alive.

He averted his gaze towards the lady on the other side of room who knelt on one knee. "What a shot that was. It almost got through," she said, standing up. She looked down at her chest, pinched, and twisted the skin below the collarbone. "Almost. But not quite."

A flattened bronze coin fell from the lady's chest and clattered on the wooden floor.

It's the bullet...

She looked up and squinted her eyes at his friend. "Are you ready, emitter?"

"I am always ready, absorber."

A sense of danger and bloodbath overcame Quentin. He was alarmed. He needed to get Marius out there as fast as he could.

"Marius! Get up here, now!" He screamed.

"I'm kind of busy right now," his friend said.
The lady charged towards his friend--both arms retracted and ready to strike.

With immense precision, Marius fired; five empty shells each second came crashing down onto the floor with a series of defeaning bangs.

The lady came to a screeching halt as she placed her arms before her body as a protective shield. Smoke from the ravaging bullets enveloped her frame and consumed her whole.

His friend continued the barrage of bullets as his muscles strained from the force he exerted. Smoke rose up in columns from the nozzle of the guns as bullets burst out into the open.

Marius stopped when he went dry of ammunition.

There's no way anyone could survive after that...

His green eyed friend did not wait to see whether the lady lived or not. He spun around and bolted to their direction. "Let's go," he said, stepping onto gaps in the walls and lifting himself into the roof.

Quentin grabbed his brunette haired friend's arm and pulled him up and into the safety of the roof.

"Well, that was quite a show," Madeleine said from somewhere behind him.

She seemed unfazed with all the shooting that just happened. Quentin wondered why. Did something happen to her in the past? Or could the lady be used to it? But why?

Whatever it was, it was none of his business.

"We have to go now," Marius said, ushering the other two to move.

"You're right. Before that lady in stilettos will rise from the dead," Madeleine said, "like anyone could survive after that."

A shadow passed over Marius' eyes. It made him look deadly and serious. But the shadow left as soon as it came. And he replied saying, "Trust me. She will."

Madeleine gulped and nodded. She tightened the cello case strap on her shoulders. "Fine, I got it. But, we don't have much time. We gotta go. Follow me."

Lost Will of the Dead [Book One] (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now