XII : Marius

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Well, who knew it was a chest and not a door. At least their search had narrowed to something smaller and portable for their trip to who-knows-where.

Marius saw, at the corner of his eye, a child tugging at the hem of Quentin's jacket. "Say Mister, why do you have gray eyes?" He asked.

"Do you only see gray? Do you see everything gray?" Another one seconded.

"Mister! Mister! Are you lovers with miss Maddie?" Someone said from somewhere.

Marius suppressed his laughter and shoved it down his throat. The children were basically bawling at Quentin like he was some sort of a famous Hollywood figure.

Apparently, green eyes and brunette hairs--as he noticed--were common on their island. None of the children were interested in him.

Truth be told, he was actually jealous with the gray eyed man. He wished he could play openly with the children.

But the fact remained that the stilletos lady could come marching in and massacre everyone in this orphanage. He knew that lady was very capable of killing--even children.

So he had to stay alert at all times.

Deborah came back with a plateful of shortcakes. They were most likely the ones inside Madeleine's basket earlier.
Quentin, the gentleman he was, stood up and attempted to help the aged lady in carrying the heavy plates.

Deborah didn't give him the plate however. Instead she said, "No thanks boy. If you like to help, carry those plates I left on the kitchen."

His friend nodded and disappeared into the shadows of the orphanage kitchen.

"Desserts everyone!"  The aged woman called out. "Let's all go to the yard and tell a story while we enjoy this delicious pastry."

The kids beamed and leaped on their feet. "Story!" They all screamed and went bolting out to the front door.

He couldn't help but smile at their cuteness and innocence. It took a lot of self control to reel all his desires in. Pinkness! Those puffy cheeks...

His friend came back with two plates full of short cakes. "I'll be back," he said.

"We'll prepare the attic while you're gone," their lady friend said.

Quentin nodded and went waltzing out to the orange light of the waning afternoon sun.

"Time to get to work!" Madeleine said. She sprung up from the carpet and ascended the flight of stairs. She stopped midway and groped the pull down string and gave it a powerful yank downwards.

The trap door burst open with brown clouds of dust as the ladder unfolded and fell on the carpet with a loud thud. Marius coughed as he stepped away and covered his eyes.

His friend came bursting into the room with worried gray eyes. "What happened?!" He screamed, panting.

He must've ran.

Marius shrugged and gestured to the ladder and the open attic door. "We're in."

A thin smile was on his friend's lip as he whirled around and faced outside. "Nothing too major, Deborah! We got it covered." He turned to face both of them with a serious demeanor and said, "Let's go."

* * *

The stale scent of confined dust wafted up the trio's nose. Showers of dust particles hovered midair, illuminated by the shafts of light from the high window of the attic. Layers of dust hugged the thick dull sheets covering the items that prevented the place from becoming barren.

Lost Will of the Dead [Book One] (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now