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I hope everyone is enjoying the story. I try my best to write and update daily. Anyways I wanted to warn everyone that sometimes my updates are me going back, and add more to what I already had written. As you can see parts of my story are short, So I go back and make it longer, and hopefully way more interesting.. I want this to be a long, and amazing story. Anyways thank you all for reading my story, and I hope you guys all like it!!


I didn't want to make a double A/N so I'll just add on to this one. I am so terribly sorry I haven't updated in awhile. Due to the fact I no longer have a smart phone or internet access. So I am now starting on a plan were I will copy this story onto a USB and work on it on wordpad or whatever. That way when I do go somewhere with internet I can easily update my story. (: I'm so happy to have over 300 reads!!!

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