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•Underfell Sans•
I honestly thought I had him.
A weak and small skeleton with only 1 HP should've been dusted the moment my Blast touched his bones.
But something resonated inside of him and I couldn't even believe my own eye sockets when it happened.
This strange unknown monster was filled with determination.
I pushed harder and harder.
Summoning more Gaster Blasters.
All of them shooting at him all at once.
But he stood there burning for a moment before a baby blue blast flew out of nowhere.
My Blasters stopped blasting as I ducked down and faltered  backwards.
Than, looking back at the identical skeleton , I realized where the beam of burning light came from.
The look-alike had a Blaster of his own.
Shouldn't have been as much of a surprise than it was. He was technically me after all.
I took in a deep breathe, calming myself down as I shook my skull.
"Now this is a battle!" I laughed and started my Blasters back up.
For what seemed like hours, we fought.
Dodging each other's Blasters and bone attacks knowing well that if one hit us we would be goners...
But I silently wondered if he would be able to Reset with Determination in his SOUL.
Although after   every attack I threw, the skeleton would beg for mercy while warming up his Blaster.
I refused every time.
What kind of world did this dingus live in?
Where begging for mercy was Okay?
I never laughed and cringed harder.
Than something happened.
I barely remember but I was caught off guard and he hit me one of his bone attacks.
It went right through.
The sickening cracks of the attack slicing through bones made him gasp.
The unbearable pain began to spread throughout my body.
It was hard to process the fact that I had been hit and was going to die.
With one final pained breathe I blacked out.

Now here I was, awake and alive on the dog bed in the corner of the shed, perfectly okay and the mysterious skeleton nowhere to be found.

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