~On the run!~

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•Underswap Sans•
"I...owe you one?"
The words sounded weird rolling off my tongue. Than thinking the fact that my rough, merciless copy was the one who said that very sentence in the first place made it even weirder. It had been an hour since the two brothers have came in to introduce themselves. My look-alike didn't come back to call me a liar so now I sit in a dimly-lit shed with monster remains covering the room. My spine was stiff from being held straight for so long from his magic.
Since I never had used my powers for keeping others captive, I began to wonder wether this would be tiring him out.
I know that when I use anything like Gaster Blasters (Which I don't use often.) it exhausts me.
Gaster blasters!
My eyesockets widened when an idea came to mind.
Could I possibly burn a hole behind me in their shed with my blasters so the magic will wear off? The steaming hot beam can't harm me because I'm the owners of them, it only harms others.

Than I'd be wrecking other's property though, that's not right.

If I don't go through with this though, I'll never find Pap and get him out of here.

Sighing, I silently apologized to my look-alike and his brother before summoning my two Gaster blasters. Counting down from three, the blazing soft blue light came shooting at me. I was blinded for a second until it was over. I crashed onto the floor of the Underground  and found my arms jerk away from the chilliness of the white substance beneath me. The scent of dust causing me to violently cough. "I did it?" I asked aloud before glancing up to see the large hole in the shed which I caused. Guilt crept its way into my SOUL as I sat up and  began to stretch. No longer did the red aura of my look-alike keep me in place. I was free! I dusted myself off and bolted, not looking back. Nasty looks  from all directions were shot my way but who cared? I was looking for Pap. He could be anywhere! This wasn't like our Snowdin. It was a dangerous area! He could be hurt or worse. I didn't dare let my mind wander there. He was okay when he found me in the previous timeline until...
I shook my head to tuck away the thought for now.
That's when I slammed into something solid and stumbled backwards.

•Underfell Sans•
"I don't know, Boss!"
I was flinging my arms in the air, clearly frustrated with the situation. My brother went to feed the skeleton we kept locked away in our shed. I even used magic so he wouldn't escape. Instead of my determined copy, he found the largest hole we've had in our shed yet! How did he leave so much damage? It was impressive, I must admit but also an expensive trick he pulled. Five hundred gold at the very least to fix it.

Pap was blaming me. Accusing me of weak magic skills which we both know is a lie. At that moment, I just wanted to teleport to Grillby's and drink my problems away. It's not like the bartender would remember last timeline anyways. Unfortunately, I was now  being dragged along by the hood. In search of my look-alike.

That's when the smell of cigarette caused me to scrunch my face up in disgust!

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