Chapter 3

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Hasegawa bent down, glancing into the mini fridge. After deciding what she wanted, she took out two bottles of water, one for herself and the other for her roommate. With the bottles in hand, she returned to the computer.

"Hey, Akasuki," Hasegawa said, holding out a bottle while pulling up a chair to sit down next to her, "Want some water?"

She didn't respond.

"Akasuki?" Hasegawa noticed her shaking hands were balled into fists. Curious, Hasegawa looked at the monitor and her eyes slightly widened upon seeing the snarling beast within her roommate's vision.

"Wow, that's quite a big dog."


Canarius the Tenebrous

Akasuki reread the words for a second time before they disappeared. Her mind rattled in both awe and fright. The size of the Malus didn't faze the freelancer, but its fur and eyes froze her very bones. It was like staring into an endless black void, pure emptiness slowly approaching until it would swallow her whole.

"Don't run," Moriko informed, standing her ground despite her legs shaking, "It'll be pointless to do so and further your defeat."

"This isn't real life, Moriko." Akasuki said, "This thing is solely set on killing us."

"Okay, here's the plan," Euno said, keeping trained eyes on the boss, "Since the game is based on real world physics, it wouldn't attack all of us, but only the most threatening. Akasuki, we'll have to rely on you to damage and distract it.

"Moriko and I will attack from the sides. I'll examine it during the time to find any weaknesses, just make sure you watch your step."

The Malus growled, crouching.

Akasuki unsheathed her sword, holding it firmly in her left hand. She didn't have much experience using a sword, but using a one handed sword was simple enough for her to use.

The large wolf lunged forward, closing the gap between his prey in an instant.

"Move!" Euno ordered. He and Moriko leaped to the side to avoid the wolf's line of sight, while Akasuki dashed forward to end up right under it.

With a shout, the freelancer pulled her arm back and stabbed her sword into the beast's chin, effectively dealing significant damage to its life bar.

Just as a satisfied smirk began to roam on her face, Canarius whipped its head sideways, tossing Akasuki away with great force. She landed hard against the ground, losing five percent of her HP.

Immediately, the freelancer jolted to her feet just as the wolf slashed at her with its right paw. She leaped back, evading its sharp claws before they could meet contact with her body.

Canarius prepared to slash once again, raising its left paw high. A small fireball exploded under its right eye, prompting it to halt its attack to brush off the stinging residue.

The Malus glanced in the direction where the sudden attack came from, noticing Euno standing within one of the hallways with a red circle under his feet.

It readied to lunge at the new threat, but before it could move, Akasuki took the opportunity to deliver a charged slash across its jaw. The beast's life bar depleted considerably, nearly eighty percent of it remained.

Alright, if we continue this strategy, we should win! The freelancer inwardly convinced herself and dashed under the beast to deliver another charged slash.

However, her sword only sliced through the virtual air. Akasuki's eyes widened in shock. Just as realization began to kick in, Moriko shouted.

"Akasuki! Behind you!"

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