How We Fell In Love

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Here we go guys, wish me luck!


Viktor's p.o.v.


Yuuri Katsuki. The most beautiful human being I have ever met in my 27 years of existence. And I have the honor of calling him mine.

I first fell in love with him, that first day I saw him, on the ice, doing one of my most famous routines. It made my heart beat out of my chest, watching him perfectly execute those moves that took me forever to perfect.

And now, I'm his lover, and his coach. To think, I have this luck!

Yuuri's p.o.v.


My forever love, Viktor Nikiforov. I've loved him ever since I laid my eyes on the ice as a child. I looked up to him for years, wishing that I could do what he could.

But never did I think that I'd fall in love with him. He tells me over and over how he fell in love with me. But my story is different. After he found me, he came to my family's hot springs. I walked into the room, trying to take time for myself to calm my nerves for the up-and-coming season.

But, I became everything but calm. There Viktor was, in all his naked glory. In. My. Hot. Springs.

Then he asked to be my coach. But that's not when I fell in love. I fell in love slowly, until bam! We kisses in front of millions of people. That's when I knew I fell Head Over Ice Skates™ for Viktor Nikiforov.

(Now to a different couple!)

Yurio's p.o.v.


First of all, to clarify, MY NAME IS NOT YURIO! I'm the true Yuri.

I can't say I'm fully in love with Otabek. I mean, I do love him, but not on a deep level.

So I have to explain how I fell in love with him, huh? Okay... I first met him in a ballet training. But he left. The next time, was when I was running from those damn fangirls. I ran into an alley, where Otabek was sitting on his motorcycle. He motioned me on. That was an invitation I gladly took. So I could say that the moment that I sat behind him on that motorcycle, my arms wrapped around him with my head on his back, was when I fell in love.

But my love isn't strong. It can't be. I can't tell Otabek this, but I'm afraid to take it any further then holding hands and small pecks on the cheek while we're alone. Those two idiots think they can tell the world about us. They think they're my parents, they think they need to tell everyone. But I can't let that happen.


Otabek's p.o.v.


I fell in love with Yurio in that ballet training. Even though I was a child, it still pained me to leave him alone there. But I really fell in love with him that night that I saved him from being ambushed by women. He just seemed perfect. Very outspoken, loud in many ways. The total opposite from me. And that's what attracted me to him.

Just blunt and short, just like the man I fell in love with.

I think we're close, but he doesn't. I wish he would think that way. But he's too afraid, because Yuuri and Viktor are both trying to get our relationship public.


Ew, that was terrible. So terrible. Sorry guys, I tried. Anyway, here it is!

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