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I know it's been a little while. Sorry.
Yuuri's p.o.v.
The day that we 'proposed' to each other had to be one of the best days of my life. I couldn't help but tear up at the thought that I'd be with the man of my dreams for the rest of my life.

He told me that he didn't actually want to propose. Not that I was complaining. I feigned being hurt by that comment, but couldn't help but giggle after. He knows I'm not the romantic type. So we settled at what we had.

Our wedding is in a few weeks. Let's see... Today is the third of December. We really wanted to make the wedding around Viktor's birthday (well I did, anyway).

I want to give him the best gift that I could, so I thought it was perfect. Giving him the gift of... Me, for the rest of his life.

No matter how many times he tells me otherwise, I know he doesn't want it to be on his birthday.

I get it though. I understand. He doesn't want the attention drawn away from me, walking down that aisle, my dress flowing behind me...

He doesn't want them to pay attention to him, wish him a happy birthday.

No, he thinks it's my day, my day to shine, my day to be more beautiful than I ever have been.
Viktor's p.o.v.

I don't understand why Yuuri's making such a fuss about making the wedding on my birthday. I mean, come on.

This is his day. He's the shining star, he's the one in the dress, looking like an angel.

And I'm just in a tux. Standing there as he walks down the aisle. Waiting for him to get to my side, so we can just get the stupid words over with, so I can just kiss him and hold him in my arms...

I wonder what kind of dress he's going to wear. Well, that's if he even wears one. I hope he does.

But that's his choice, not mine. And I have no say. I can't even be there to see him!

Why did I agree to this??

Maybe it'll be different? I mean, we're both men, it's not like he's really a bride, right?


I shouldn't risk it. It's okay. I'll be fine.

I'm not nervous, you're nervous.

I've never been nervous in my life. Nope.

Viktor NotNervous Nikiforov is my name. Not being nervous is my game.

*pukes* that was really bad, I'm sorry. It's been really long and it's no wonder I have like nO reads on this. Maybe I gotta update more or somethin'

Change the name maybe.

More tags?

not be a sucky writer?


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2018 ⏰

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