Our First Kiss

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Viktor's p.o.v.


Yuuri and I first kissed after an amazing performance of his. I was so excited and happy for him, I ran onto the ice and attacked him with a hug, then kissed him. It seemed to go in slow motion, the whole thing. But it made me feel happy. And the droid erupted into cheers and screams of happiness. I guess people wanted us together.

His lips were so soft, like I always though they'd be. And now, I get to kiss them every day.


Yuuri's p.o.v.


Oh, do I have to tell...? How embarrassing! So, it was after I finished a performance. I mean, it wasn't perfect, but it was really good. I guess Viktor was really proud of me, because he came running onto the ice. I thought he was coming to hug me, so my face erupted in a huge smile. But when he did come to me, he wrapped his arms around me, and as we fell, he... He kissed me. My eyes were wide in shock, and I did nothing but let him kiss me. My heart was hammering against my chest during the whole thing, and long after.

You should have heard the crowd! They were so happy for us, screaming and clapping loudly. I could barely hear myself think.

Our first kiss was same thing that made me fall in love with him. Gosh, he makes me swoon.


Yurio's p.o.v.


When did Otabek and I first kiss...? Well, we haven't yet. It really makes my heart hurt, thinking that he doesn't love me enough to make the first move.

I mean, if I tried, I wouldn't reach. It would be embarrassing.

I don't do embarrassment.

But, I wish I knew if he still loved me. Or ever did in the first place...


Otabek's p.o.v.


Yurio and I haven't kissed yet. On the cheeks doesn't count.

I want to kiss him so bad, but I'm afraid he won't accept it.

I'll do it someday, but someday isn't now. Or soon. I'll wait until I know he's ready for that kiss.

I love him more than he thinks. I wish he'd give me more credit in this relationship instead of yelling at me that I don't love him, or telling me, "I do more than you have ever done in this relationship, Otabek! If you don't love me, just tell me, and I'll end it before this goes downhill more than it has!"

That breaks my heart every time he says it.


Alright guys. Chapter 2! I hope you're enjoying this so far, even though I've barely done anything. So far. I'll try to add more soon!

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