chapter 4

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warning this chapter does involve some graphics that could trigger people such as being forced of the closet and rape if you have a problem with this don't read this chapter.

This was the best day of my life so far. That night I didn't even bother going to get my stuff. I just stayed with rose and we talked all night. The Next day I went to school as usual, but after I went to go get my stuff big mistake. I thought that dirk and Jake weren't home yet and I walked into our room with out knocking. Jake was ramming into dirk.Dirk was crying out in pain.

"help."he yelped this once he saw me. I threw Jake out of the house. Like literally threw him out naked and all. Dirk had told me what happened. He said That Jake wanted to have sex and he said no and you can guess the rest.Jake went to jail. I took me 3 months to actually move out. It wasn't till dirk said I could that I did. Rose is awesome. I love living with her. She and I are the same size so I can wear her clothes at home. She has a girlfriend. Her name is kanaya and she is very fashionable. She said she would make me some clothes once she got my measurements.

"what color do you want the clothes?"

"red,white, black and orange."I said this as if I already knew she would ask. That was cool that she asked anyways.

It had beena month since I had moved in with rose and decided I'm going to go visit bro.Bro said that dirk wouldn't be home and that I could wear what I wanted. I wore a red crock top and a black mini skirt with heals and lacy tights. I rode the bus to my old house, it was weird and every one was staring at me. Once I got off I went inside my old house.

"Bro I'm here." I Yelled and walked into the living room. Bro was on the couch with dirk.

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