chapter 6

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When I woke up I thought it was all a dream. Dirk wasn't there. I went into my bathroom and cried. I thought I was a freak. Then dirk walked in and hugged me.

"it's okay I'm here. Your gonna be okay."

he tried to let go but I didn't. I didn't want to let go. I wanted him to stay close to me. When he was I felt safe.

"No. don't let go. Please."

he didn't let go. Instead he picked me up bridle-style and carried me down stairs into the kitchen. He set me down on the counter and started cooking.

"What are you making?"

"cinnamon roles with chocolate sauce."

this was the only thing in the world bro could get me to eat when I was upset. Its also my favorite thing in the world. I realized that Dirk was only in his underwear. I looked down and I was only in my panties. Dirk must have taken our clothes off due to the heat.

Rose walked in right as dirk was serving the best stuff in the world. At first she mustn't have realized our lack of clothes cause she went straight for coffee. After us standing/ sitting there for 5 minutes,so about ½ way through roses coffee she realized we were in our underwear.

"okay Dave I'm fine with seeing you in your panties because I've seen that before but dirk please put some pants on."

"no can do. I lost them in Dave's room."

"ug. Then don't come out with out pants."

"fine ill be here forever."

this made me smile. I wanted dirk to stay. I grabbed my plate and a bottle of apple juice heading to my room.

"come on lets go up stairs." dirk knew I was talking to him and fallowed. Once we got to my room I closed the door and turned to dirk who had orange soda.

"you didn't really loose your pants, did you?"

" I did I don't remember where I put them." I saw dirks pants,picked them up and pointed to them.

"okay I was also lazy, still am."

"so you could have told rose that you were lazy but still you have no excuse.'

"oh and what's your excuse Ms. Lacy panties?"

"I didn't realize till you had started cooking."

"so you could have gone and get dressed." he says this with a smirk on his face. But I was about to wipe it off.

"but I didn't want to be away from you." I said with puppy dog eyes, but here comes the kick.

"and I thought you liked my panties." once I said this I instantly started laughing. I was standing in front of him.

"your right I do."


this was the longest one I've written so far. Plus this is gonna get kinda kinky.

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