chapter five

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Michael's been playing the same song every day and Luke was both confused and slightly in love. Each time he made an excuse to go outside and watch, kind of like some obsessed weirdo. He hopes that he didn't look like a stalker, even though he probably did.

He leaned his head against the thick woven rope of his swing, only moving slightly because of the wind. Michael was shredding the guitar solo as he always did, and Luke was about ready to start throwing roses at him as if this was a theater and the show was ending.

In a way, it kind of was, because they had school in ten minutes and Michael was still in his pajamas. Unless he planned to leave in basketball shorts, a Blink-182 hoodie, and a paid of sandals.

He's seen too many people go to school in their pajamas to be surprised if that's how he was going to leave.

Luke was feeling risky today, and a little more out of his comfortable zone. Normally he'd sit and watch, go inside a little bit after Michael does, but not today. Today he cheered and clapped, standing up and walking towards the end of his driveway.

He laughed when Michael bowed, holding his guitar in one hand as he out the other by his stomach. "Can I ask a question?" Luke asked as Michael began putting his guitar in a stand with like three others.

"Depends. What are you asking?" Michael asked and then laughed. "Go ahead, take all the time you need. I'm trying to miss first period anyways."

"Who do you have?"

"Some woman who teaches Algebra 2." He chuckled and Luke nodded as he walked across the street to his house. "What was the question?"

"Why do you always play the same song? I mean - it's nice, I love Guns and Roses, but do you know anything else?" Luke asked and Michael laughed, almost like he was avoiding the question.

"You like them too? What's your favourite song then, flower?" Michael asked and Luke's eyes widened at the nickname.


"Your boots have fake flowers on them, first of all." Michael started and Luke looked down at his combat boots.

Okay, that's fair, he did have fake flowers weaved in with the laces and hanging off the side. It wasn't his fault though. He thought they were cute when he saw them and he just had to get them.

"You then have a flower clip in your hair, which is actually cute. I like it." Michael complimented and Luke's cheeks burned red. "Finally, that flower garden you always seem to be watering when I'm out, and only when I'm out."

"I um... just want to hear you play. You're really good." Luke blushed as he shuffled his feet awkwardly.

He heard a door open and he peeked over Michael's shoulder, seeing that his mom was standing there. "Hi Luke," she smiled sweetly and Luke waved.

"Good morning, Mrs. Clifford." Luke greeted and Michael mouthed a few words. He didn't realize they were numbers until he got about half way done.

Three. Two. O-

Before Luke could see him finish the last number of the countdown, his mom was speaking up. "You better go get dressed, Michael. The bus comes in six minutes."

"I'll be fine." Michael whined and his mom gave him one last warning before shutting the door. "I'll be out in like four minutes. Can you wait?"

"Do you want me to?" Luke asked and Michael looked around as he stayed silent for a moment. Luke's heart was beating rapidly, and it only quickened when Michael nodded, a smile on his pink lips.

"Yeah, yeah I do want you to wait." Michael nodded and Luke looked down at his shoes. "Won't be long, swear."

Luke just nodded and Michael ran inside of his house, leaving the blonde alone in his garage. It was quite awkward, but Luke took it as a chance to pulled his phone out. He checked his makeup and outfit inside of his front camera, and he fixed the small pink heart charm on his ribbon choker.

After a few minutes of fixing his appearance and adjusting his curly hair, he heard the door open. He looked at Michael, who stood tall as the typical kind of 'emo' kid at school. His black skinny jeans had rip after rip, some revealing a red plaid that was the same as his unbuttoned flannel, and some revealing his pale legs. The beanie on his head hid away his messy hair, but his long fringe was still exposed and covering the side of his face that didn't have a piercing.

"This is cliché." Michael laughed as he pulled his back over one shoulder. "That's the bus in front of your house, ready flower?"

"I'm used to this school, are you?" Luke countered as they left Michael's garage. The older boy shut the door quickly as they ran across the street, walking up to the large yellow bus.

"Pretty sure I'll manage. I'm the perfect amount of awkward to get me out of the situations my snarky comments will get me in." Michael snorted and Luke laughed as he took a seat on the bus. "This spot taken?"

"I wear girl's clothes, Michael. It's never been taken." Luke reminded as he crossed his legs.

"Well... it is now." Michael hummed as he sat down, putting his bag on his lap. He pulled his phone out, picking up the earbuds that were drapped aseround his neck. "So you listen to Guns N' Roses, but do you listen to Led Zepplin?"

"I do listen to the bands on my t-shirt, yes." Luke laughed as he sat up. "I'm not that person."

"Never said that you were." Michael smirked slightly and Luke looked away since Michael was driving him nuts. "Why are kids staring? Shit."

"No one sits there." Luke shrugged and Michael folded his arms behind his head.

"Well then, they better get used to it because this is my unassigned assigned seat for the rest of the school year." Michael chuckled and Luke blushed as he played with his black leggings.

"Promise?" Luke asked him, and their eyes met. Luke's realized how pretty Michael's eyes were before, but it never fails to amaze him just how perfect the kid was.

He is everything Luke wants in a guy. He's funny. He's observative. He's attractive. He's tall. He's kind. Then let's not forget the tattoos, the piercing, the ripped black jeans, and band t-shirts he wears. The denim jackets and the leather jackets. That cliché bad boy look Luke loves so much.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Michael laugh so hard that his eyes screwed shut and crinkles formed by the corners of his face. Luke was more than just confused. He didn't think he said anything funny, but Michael must be amused at something he said.

Michael stopped laughing about three seconds later, but that amused smile still tugged on his lips. That grin that said, "You're an idiot," but in a good way. A jokingly teasing way.

"Promise, flower." He finally spoke and Luke nodded as he bent his leg up and rested his boot on the edge of the seat.

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