chapter twenty-four (continued)

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( only continued the last chapter because my fave gutterlife came up with this idea for mike's birthday and i just NEEDED to use it and because i really wanted to change pov's. hope you enjoy xx )


"Did you mean it?"


Luke swallowed the lump in his throat, watching the rain pour down the windows of Michael's car. He was playing with the frayed sleeves of the denim jacket he wore, and maybe it was Michael's, but he still couldn't help but pick at the loose strings.

"Did you mean it?" He repeated, and Michael turned the song down. Though Luke absolutely loved Go Radio, he needed answers more than he needed to listen to Jason's voice.

"Did I mean what exactly, flower?" Michael asked, and Luke turned to him, shifted his entire body to face him as they heard a crack of thunder. Luke wasn't scared of a little rain or a little thunder, but he couldn't help the small jump he gave at the sudden sound.

"You alright?" Michael asked, holding Luke's arm gently.

"Mhm. I'm fine." Luke nodded, pushing the burger wrappers away and letting his fingers curl around their shared strawberry milkshake. He preferred chocolate, but Michael liked strawberry, so he did to.

"What did you wanna know though? Did I mean what?" Michael asked again and Luke's cheeks burned red as he took a drink of the sweet ice cream shake. Although they ate pizza earlier, it was midnight and they couldn't resist a quick stop at a local hamburger joint for a quick 'date', as Michael called it.

"Did you mean it when you said 'I love you' earlier?" Luke asked and looked up at the older boy. He was scratching the back of his neck nervously, and Luke's heart was falling and falling with each second that passed in a heavy silence.

He didn't mean it. Of course he didn't. Why did he get his hopes up?

Stupid Luke. Stupid fucking Luke, he mentally slapped himself across the face for believing for even a second that Michael loved him.

"Nevermind. I don't know why I even brought it up." Luke decided to forget about it, but Michael seemed persistent to keep the conversation going.

"Would it be too early if I said I did mean it?" Michael asked, and Luke's eyes widened as he stared at Michael's sheepish smile and red cheeks. "I mean... what's not to love about you? You pretty much make me smile all the time and you always make me happy. You're smart, funny, and sometimes good at makeup. There's nothing to hate, but everything to live."

"I don't think it's early because I love you too." Luke grinned happily, feeling like he's on top of the world. Sure he felt like his face was burning red with embarassment, but he tried his best to get over it.

Michael laced his fingers with Luke and they rested their intertwined fingers on the center console. "To think, I thought moving here was going to be the worst thing in the world."

"To think, I thought you were straight."

They both laughed and Luke leaned his head on Michael's shoulder. "That's even worse." Michael snickered and Luke shook his head as he looked outside the windshield to the lit up city.

Maybe it wasn't a view for a king, only being two teenage boys, and maybe their car didn't sit atop a cliff, only the top of a parking garage, but it felt like the best thing in the world. It felt like a movie cliché and Luke didn't mind in the slightest.

November Rain // mukeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt