chapter sixteen

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"So, how did your date go?" Ashton asked and Michael laughed as he played a random riff he came up with.

"Great. I appreciate your help man, saved us from the awkward 'looking for a parking space' part." Michael thanked him and Ashton shook his head.

"Anything for my favourite homos." Ashton chuckled as he spun a drumstick around in his hand. "What'cha playin' there?"

"It's something I came up with? You like?" He asked and Ashton nodded. "I wrote it a long time ago. In fact, I wrote an entire song  around it."

"What's it called?"

"I never named it, so untitled currently." Michael laughed as he looked outside of Ashton's garage.

"Play me the song." Ashton grinned as he leaned back and put his legs on top of his floor tom. "Come on, Clifford. Play me a tasty lick. Serenade me."

"Only if you never say, 'play me a tasty lick', again. Ever." Michael bargained and the older boy agreed as he pushed his slightly long hair out of his face.

"Deal. Now hit me."

"Kinky." Michael snorted and then started playing his riff again. "I'm exposing you-"

"Stop stalling and play me your song." Ashton whined and Michael nodded as he tried to remember how go play his own song.

"I don't really sing, but okay. Here I go." Michael breathed out and Ashton smiled happily as he watched.

"You're telling me the same old story, and that I need to change," he sang, shaking off the shiver that ran up his spine. "If you're not living my life for me, you make it feel that way..."

When he finished, Ashton was clapping and laughing over how sassy the song was. "Who's heart did you break, man?" Ashton asked and Michael tuned his guitar since his D string was a little sharp.

"I dated this girl for awhile, and since I'm gay, you can guess how that went." Michael admitted as he chuckled. "Being brought up in a Catholic family kind of... limited what I could and couldn't do. But since we moved, and my parents aren't like as big of followers as my extended family, they're more laid back with who I am."

"I'm sorry man." Ashton apologized and Michael shrugged. "Where did you move from anyways?"

"San Fran, so not horribly far, but still a distance." Michael answered. "I'm speaking of, my friend Iain is throwing a Halloween party. I'll drive if you, Cal, and Luke wanna go."

"Halloween is on a Tuesday-"

"The weekend after man. Who throws a party on Tuesday?" Michael laughed as Ashton shrugged. "Dress up and you're in."

"Maybe. I'll see. I'm not a party person." Ashton reminded and Michael nodded.

"Clearly, you're in joggers and a batman shirt." Michael pointed out and Ashton flipped him off.

"They're my sister's old clothes. I have to do laundry today and she let me borrow them." Ashton huffed as he sat up. "I'll let you know though, I should be free."

"Ask Calum for me, yeah? I'll ask Luke, we're planning on hanging out later on anyways." Michael hummed as he turned his amp off.

"Where you taking him now? Asia?" Ashton teased and Michael flipped him off.

"No, we were just heading for a run. He's been dragging me out at like midnight to go running with him." Michael rolled his eyes. "Throws rocks at my window and everything."

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