Prologue Part 3

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Time had seemingly flown by painfully slowly. I just can't wait to leave this old home, and soon I shall. But anyway, it's time to get dressed for an event.

Tonight is my high school graduation ceremony. I put on my dark blue cap and gown and waltz downstairs to leave for the party. I'm not the most fond of them, but this one is mandatory.

My father said that he wanted to come, but I know that he just wants to go for the free food that we get at the end. I figured it would be easier to just bring him along than to argue, so I sat him in the back seat of his car and offered to drive. He gladly accepted said offer, and we went on an uneventful drive to my graduation.

*Time skip to when the ceremony starts*

"Jack Driscoll."

I heard my name shouted by the principal so I walked up on stage and took my diploma back to my chair. I stashed the document in my robe and continued on as usual.

After everyone got their diploma, we shuffled out of the gymnasium to get some food in the cafeteria before leaving. I grabbed two slices of pizza and sat down at one of the lunch tables to eat alone. Everything was going along as normal until I heard a loud crash coming from outside.

Panic flood into the room but I remained calm and went outside to check what it was. When I found the source of the ruckus, I was shocked.

That bastard couldn't even go a couple of hours without drinking, he must have had a crate or two in his car somewhere. It appeared as if he wanted to ditch me here and leave, but it definitely didn't go well in his favour.

When I got out there I saw him barely clinging to life after he unexpectedly got into a car accident. He seemed to have dislocated several joints and was crushed under the weight of scrapped cars. 

Naturally, one of the other witnesses called for an ambulance and the paramedics soon arrived and took him away.

The red flashing lights of the vehicle blinded me as I stood still in a combination of disbelief and some other emotion that I don't even know.

I'm not really sure how to feel about this. I mean, he had it coming right? Then again, that may come off as too harsh in some circles because even though he is a lowlife junky, he still is my father.

Nevertheless, I rode abourd the ambulance beside him to the hospital while fiddling with mom's locket the whole way.

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