Chapter 13

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It's like 2:40 am and I'm like freaking tired but I wanted to get this chapter out...because I can :D

I was thinking of making a third story...but its still in the back of my mind....

I love reading your comments, it makes me laugh, keep it up you guys xD


(The Next Day)

I woke up to my phone alarm blasting into my ears. I grabbed it to shut it off. It didn't wake anyone else up. I felt warmth all around my backside, I don't remember putting a blanket on me last night-- it got so hot. I look to my waist, Baird has me snuggled up next to him. He was still sleeping--his breathing blowing the back of my head. When did he snuggle next to me? I felt my cheeks go red, no no-- I gotta get out of his embrace before Sam or Tucker see this. I slowly unwrap his arms-- trying not to wake him up. I managed to slip out and scoot away from him. He exhales and moves over to his other side. Phew...I'm free. I look next to me and Sam was still sleeping, Tucker was spread out on the couch, snoring away. I leaned up looking around the living room. It was decided last night to camp out at my house to avoid Raven. I hope Danny's okay...I just really want to see him and see him happy and with me again.

I rub my eyes and quietly yawn trying not to disturb Tuckers beauty sleep. I giggle quietly to myself. I get up and slowly watch my step to not step on anyone. I make my way around them and enter the kitchen. There was a note left on the counter. I picked up the paper note. Mom, dad and my sister are out...they left without me....well I did have friends over. But they did leave us some McDonalds breakfast!

I dig through the bag and take out containers with pancakes. I'm tired of pancakes.....I wish it was eggs or something.

(Baird)- " That smells good" I hear his voice peer from the kitchen doorway. His hair was a mess and bags under his eyes. Im surprised he doesn't remember holding me in his sleep...or does he?

(Y/n)- " It's still should sleep" he smirks and moves his head side to side.

(Baird)- " You should get some sleep"

(Y/n)- " I can't...not till I get Danny back" I unpack the pancakes and set them on the counter for everyone once they wake up.Baird reaches for my hand, his thumb gently rubbing it--making invincible marks. His hands are soft...a litle rough and cold.

(Baird)- " Don't worry, we'll get your Danny back today" he looks to me and smiles.

(Y/n)- " Baird...can I ask you something?"

(Baird)- " Hmm?"

(Y/n)- " Why me? I mean, why do you care about me.?" his eyes clsoe for a second. He opens them and exhales.

(Baird)- " Raven kills people who I get close to" I sense sadness in his eyes.He looks like he's been through a lot with his sister, which she causes the pain. Raven killed people close to him? So he's right when Raven is coming for me?

(Y/n)- "How--"

(Baird)- " I didn't know she was feeding on them secretly... when I was with this one girl, Nattie. The day I was with her-- she....collapsed, I took her to the emergency room and they couldn't find out whats wrong with her. She died couple days later. Another girl-- 6 months later, died the same way. I confronted my sister but she denied but I knew it was her...just by the looks of her." What does Raven have against her brother? Killing people getting close to him... Poor Baird, two girls he tried connecting with and they both end up the same way, by the hands of Raven. I believe him when he says its Raven.

Avalanche [Danny Phantom x Reader] ((BOOK 2 of "Phantom" )) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now