Vainglory One shots: Music Style

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Koshka: Year of the cat
Taka: What does the Fox say
Catherine: <Doesn't listen>
Joule: Canon in D major rock version (search it it's awesome)
SAW: we will rock you
Petal: Fly Fly Fly the butterfly
Krul: Sound of silence
Adagio: Immortals
Ardan: Guardians (Halo)
Celeste: You raise me up
Vox: (Any song)
Skye: <Gundam theme song>
Baron: I believe I can fly
Phinn:  The Troll song
Kestrel: see you again
Ozo: They see me rollin'
Flicker: Periodic Table Song
Glaive: Eye of the tiger
Fortress: Animals
Lyra: Dancing Queen
Samuel: <Harry Potter Theme song>
Lance: I'll make a man out of you.
Gwen: Bang Bang
Ringo: One Bourbon, One Scotch, One beer
Rona: Shake My axe and swing my sword(Minecraft Jams)
Alpha: <Doesn't listen>
Blackfeather: Love story
Idris: The Miracle by U2
Reim: Let it go
Skaarf: Light em up (My songs know what you did in the dark)
Baptise: Take back the night
Grace: Amazing Grace

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