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Madison's POV

I woke up to my little brother jumping on my bed.

"Maddie wake up!!" He shouted over and over again. I then took a pillow and threw it at him making him giggle loudly.

"I'm up Michael!" I shouted and he giggled and then dragged me by my foot out of bed.

I got up and chased him but he locked himself in his room. I then walked back to my room and just put my hair up in a messy bun. I wasn't doing anything today so I stayed in my pajamas, which was a tank top and some shorts.

Ally had stayed at a friend's house and wasn't coming back until later. My older brother Noah had gone to work at 6:00am. Then my parents had been away on a business meeting for the whole week.

So I was in charge of Michael. He's only six years old but, I love him.

I picked my phone up to see my notifications.

Missed call from Jack

I unlocked my phone while walking down the stairs. I then called him back while I looked for something to eat for both Michael and I.

"Hello!" An unknown voice said into the phone.

"Umm hi.. Who is this?" I asked while I grabbed lucky charms cereal.

"My name is Zach, what's yours?" He asked. By now I had gotten two bowls out and was getting spoons.

"My name is Madison. And not to be rude but, where's Jack?" I asked as I grabbed the milk from the fridge.

"Jack's in the shower. I'm one of his friends. Daniel and Corbyn also are here." And when he said that two other voices said "hello".

As I was about to respond I got a FaceTime call from them. I answered and on the screen showed three boys all squished together. There was one with blonde hair, then one with blue eyes, and then the last one had brown hair.

"I'm Corbyn!" Said the blonde.

"I'm Daniel!" Said the blue eyes boy.

"I'm Zach!" Said the brown hair boy.

"I'm Madison." I said and then while putting my phone down so I could pour the milk into the bowls.

"So how long have you and Jack been dating?" Zach asked as I stopped pouring milk.

When he asked that I started blushing and I was thankful the camera wasn't on my face.

"Oh we aren't dating. Just friends." I said and I heard them all say quiet ohs.

Michael then came down the stairs wearing no shirt and dinosaur pajama bottoms.

"Is that lucky charms?" He asked excited as he got on the stool of the counter. I nodded and gave him a bowl and he started eating.

"Have you guys seen my phone?" I heard Jack's voice come from the phone.

I saw all the boys eyes go wide and then a laugh from someone not on camera.

"Jack! They have your phone!" A voice I recognized as Jonah yelled.

I looked at Michael and he was watching my phone.

The screen went black and I heard yelling and fighting. Jack was most likely trying to get his phone back.

All of a sudden Jack's face appeared on the phone.

"Madison?" He asked and Michael looked at me before grabbing my phone and looking at himself in the camera.

"Maddie! I can see myself! Look!" He shouted excited.

I walked over next to Michael and saw Jack's confused faces while the boys in the back watched us.

"Hi Jack." I said with a small smile.

"What about us?" Asked Zach who was to the right of Jack.

"I was talking with you guys before." I said and Jack looked at them and they smiled innocently.

"Sorry about them Madison, I'll text you in a few." Jack told me before he hung up and then Michael who was still holding my phone dropped it in his bowl.

My phone was now in the bowl of milk. Milk and cereal had splashed everywhere.

"Oops.." Michael said with a small smile as he looked at my phone which was now off.

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