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Madison's POV

After Michael had dropped my phone in his bowl of milk, my phone was destroyed. Not even rice could save it.

And my mom said I wasn't allowed to get a new phone until the weekend. Today is Wednesday. It's been two days since I last heard from Jack and that was the call.

x x x

It was now Saturday and I quickly got up right in the morning and basically dragged my mom to the phone store with me.

After transferring all my contacts, photos, and apps to my new phone. I was officially able to text Jack.

As soon as I got home I turned my phone on and saw I had a lot of messages from Jack.

Jack: Madison? Are you ignoring me? Did I do something wrong? Please answer me..

That was the last message sent and it was 5 hours ago.

Madison: Jack!!

Jack: Madison! Are you mad at me? I'm really sorry for whatever I did. I promise I'll make it up to you. I really am sorry if I did anything.

Madison: No Jack, I wasn't mad at you! My little brother dropped my phone into his bowl of milk for cereal and I wasn't able to get a new phone until this weekend.

Jack: Oh thank goodness. I thought you were mad at me. It's been a stressful week without talking to you. My friends have been so annoying. Would it be ok if I called you?

Madison: Yes of course!

And then my phone started ringing with a FaceTime call. I answered right away seeing as it was Jack.

"Hey! I've missed you!" Jack told me as he showed his face.

"I've missed you too." I told him and I could see his cheeks turning a little pink.

"Woah! Is Jack Avery blushing?" I asked and this caused him to blush more as he put the camera facing up before showing his face again.

"I have missed you and seeing your beautiful face is amazing." He told me and it was my turn to blush.

"Who's blushing now?" He teased and I heard a door open on his side.

"Is that Madison!?" A voice which I think was Zach asked.

"Yeah, you can say hi." And then I saw Zach's face on the camera.

"Thank god! Jack was absolutely going crazy. He couldn't think straight with thinking you were mad at him." Zach said and Jack pushed him away.

And from there Jack and I talked for hours and hours.

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whydomtwe requested a chapter and now I'm realizing that people actually like this story so, I will be posting more.

Sorry I wasn't able to respond to your message. My messages aren't working right now but they will soon! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2017 ⏰

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