Chapter 1 - Dawn

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The sound of squawking seagulls wakes me from my hazy dream. I open my eyes to my room glowing from the soft lighting of the rising sun. Rolling over, I reach for my phone on the bedstand. I still have a few minutes before I need to get up for my first day at my new school.

After scrolling through menial notifications, I finally heave myself out of my cocoon, sluggishly making my way down to the kitchen for breakfast. I load the toaster and get out the cereal. As I pour it into a bowl, I hear feet patter down the stairs.

"Emily?" I hear a small voice ask.

"Yes, Charlie?" I respond to my brother.

"Can you do me some Coco Pops please?" Charlie asks as he waddles up to the counter. His small arms wrap around my legs as he looks up at me.

"Here you go," I say as I pass him the bowl of cereal I had already poured out. "Go sit up at the table so you don't spill it."

Charlie toddles off into the dining room as I make two coffees. My toast pops. I slather it with Nutella and grab a mug, joining Charlie at the table.

We sit munching away at our breakfast until I hear another set of footsteps coming down the stairs. This time much louder. My Dad appears in the doorway with the other mug of coffee.

"You two excited, starting a new school?" He asks, followed by a loud yawn.

Charlie and I nod, Charlie far more enthusiastic than me.

"Good,"My Dad responds. He takes my now empty plate as I go back upstairs to start getting ready for school.

After washing my face with numerous skincare products, I dress in my uniform. It's like every other secondary school uniform: dark skirt, white shirt, tie, and blazer.

Once I've corrected my tights and tie, I commence the ritual of masking my face. Using the makeup to cover up all the spots and dark circles. Content with my improved appearance, I fluff my hair and pin back the sides.

Now ready to go, I double check my bag and grab my phone. I hurry down the stairs, put on my black vans and winter coat, give both Charlie and my Dad a kiss and leave the house with 8 minutes till my bus comes.

I walk down to the closest bus stop, hoping that the buses here come on time. I sit in the shelter and plug in my earphones; bobbing along to the music.

I lose track of time and suddenly the bus appears in front of me. I hastily remove my bus pass from my pocket and show it to the bus driver. After a curt nod and thank you, I move to sit in a downstairs seat to ensure I don't miss my stop. I notice other people in similar uniform sitting around me and assume they must be going to the same school. Not wanting to eavesdrop on their conversations I continue with my music.

After ten minutes the others start to get up and off the bus, I follow suit. Not wanting to get lost, I keep moving with the crowd towards a set of gates. There right front of me; my new school.

Highschool Sweethearts ~BWS~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя